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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Just joined (you knew that). Some points about me and why I am here:

* 58 YO healthy male. No physical or mental health issues of import
* Married 36 years with three kids (one in college and two older)
* Four grandchildren
* Occupation - finance executive
* Experience with drugs - zilch (nada). Smoke a joint or two in HS/college. Caught my 16 yo daughter with a tab of acid years ago and blew a cork ("Do you know this shit is made in some stranger's bathtub" the whole "This is your brain on drugs" routine).
* Drink moderately
* Raised roman catholic currently not active
* Dues paying member of MAPS

So what brings me to this journey? My goal (bucket list) is to have a guided session with a psychedelic/entheogen.

How did I find Nexus? I am in the research stage. Mainstream media (NYT etc) brought me the realization that I had been duped by the US Gov't into thinking that psychedelics were deadly. Recent stories about psychedelic therapy for dying cancer patients and PST fascinated me. Research approved by the gov't and undertaken at John Hopkins, Harvard etc.

I read the story of Robert Gordan Wasson - a VP at JP Morgan, who travelled to central/south america and brought magic mushrooms to the western world in the 1950's. Imagine - a senior officer at one of the most prestigious financial firms in the free world at the time! He dedicated much of his working career (summers off) and after he retired to the role of 'shrooms in local religous ceremonies.

I am currently reading "The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience" by R. Masters and J. Houston. Anyway - I have Google search set to etheogens and Psilocybin and that brought me to Nexus.

I am not sure where this will take me. I don't have the contacts yet to access material or a guide (I am not looking here for access). I don't know what substance I want to take. I would like to break down my ego/self as over the years I have become insulaar - not enjoying other people or life. The stress in my job is high and anxiety can be significant. Already = my research has brought me relief with the knowledge that I am on the path to connecting with the world around me.

So I came to learn and will offer whatever insights a noob can offer when appropriate.

Hi, welcome to the Nexus! The general opinion around the Nexus goes against the black market completely. You have all the access you need in the world, just take a bit of time to get familiar. Great to hear you've decided to begin engaging life again. Be cool, be well.
Welcome to the nexus!

your definitely in the right place to learn, there's some VERY smart people here.

If you haven't already you should grab Jonathan Ott's books. they are a must for any collection
Welcome. Glad to have you. Stick around and you will soon be amazed by all that you can learn here.

Truly - if it's the psychedelic experience you're seeking, you'll find everything you need to know right here within this forum. Happy to help in any way that I can. You are in for quite an awakening...
Welcome! Another member in his 50’s (there aren’t many of us).

I also started my entheogenic journey rather late – a little over 2 years ago, and it has changed me in ways that I can’t describe (literally – I can’t describe how I’ve changed, but I know I have).

Is your goal to have a single entheogenic session, or to develop a deeper relationship? Either way, we’re here to offer information and support.
Wow, nice, very nice.

Your post brought a smile to my face(especialy the part about finding that acid). I'm sure you will find what you are looking for, you have a whole community here behind you:)

Welcome aboard.

PS: all materials that are needed for entheogenic use can be sourced online, or at the local store. Growing, extracting or making your own "tea" plays a really big role in the journey. That alone is very healing IMO.
A hearty welcome! You are about to open a labyrinthine & bewildering world of thought and spirit you have up until now only intuited. It can be challenging - you experience and learn things about yourself that will profoundly change the way you are and what you are and what you believe.

But anything worthwhile, as a man of your experience is surely aware, is filled with challenge. And this "path", while not without its perils, is worthwhile. And for some, essential.

I encourage you to abandon all the preconceptions about these substances you have had for so many years - but it sounds like the stripping down has already begun.

Good luck and I look forward to hearing how things evolve. This is a great community of courageous and thoughtful people - don't hesitate to ask anything.

My journey continues. Since my post above SWIM has harvested 13 dry grams of shrooms from the PF Tek. The 18YO daughter is home on break and she must return to school before the next step is taken. He has a close friend with MUCH more experience and he will be joining the trip. In the meantime, my own research continues - read Albert Hoffman's LSD My Problem Child. Finally got my copy of The Spirit Molecule and anxiously await the Dirty Pictures DVD. Also read Strassman's book - The Spirit Molecule. While I enjoy reading and learning about DMT, I don't think I will ever partake. Shrooms perhaps. I tried Marijuana recently and puked for an hour. Not for me.
You should check out the books:
"High Priest" by Tim Leary (Its about the first trips they went on and how that shaped theyre outlook and findings with psychedelics)
"The Doors of Preception" by Aldous Huxley (Its about the time he took mescaline and his experiences and interpretations)
"Be Here Now" by Baba Ram Dass (Learys partner explains his work with LSD and then illustrates a good eastern outlook on life, about letting go of attachment and being in the moment, this is good info to have for when you go to undertake the experience for yourself.)
Damn, you got some dirt bud if it made you puke! The ganja is a healing herb, unless you had something bad inside you you shouldnt have puked.
Greetings, I hope your journey is as enlighting as mine has become, thanks to everyone here and the wealth of knowledge within these pages my life has been enriched,expanded and evolved.

Best of luck to you
Godspeed on your journey.

Every entheogen to me has its own place and its own - say - benefit. As far as nausea goes I would say vaped dmt is much less a problem than shrooms can be. oral dmt on the other hand might be a bit worse due to the harmalas. But sometimes I think we purge due to other reasons - psychosomatic, feeling overwhelmed by feeling different, or overwhelmed from being thrown around and into different spaces, overwhelmed from the dissolution of reality...
It could be that some part of you was resisting the MJ effects and this inner tension/fight is what made you ill. If you smoked together with tobacco perhaps it was the nicotine that made you puke? I know it has done that to me. Also the smoke itself, if one is not used to it, can make one sick. I would suggest trying to vape it in a proper vaporizer if you ever want to try it again.

I hope you experience wonder and beauty in your endeavors!

Hi Photre, Another old man here. When I read your first post I thought dang, this guy is ready for some mushrooms !. Now it sounds like you're all set. Find a lovely natural setting and simply enjoy. You're going to love it :d . Glad to have you amongst us.
Hi there phortre55 & Welcome to the Nexus,

42 year old female here married to Nemo Amicus, 61 year old member. I am noticing more and more of us middle agers lately and loving it. Welcome, welcome, welcome. You are in for a treat. The path may be easy or it may be difficult but in my limited and humble experience as I have witnessed a few people become initiated to DMT, it was the woman who was 50 years old who did the best, who took to it immediately.

This is a great forum just chock full, bristling with good information. It can be addictive in and of itself. Speaking of which, come visit us in the chat room if you have any questions or want to experience a somewhat different side of Nexus community.

Welcome again!
I suggest you watch the 2010 Documentary, "DMT-The Sprit Molecule." You can watch it on youtube in several parts. There are two. One by Rick Strassman and a newer version that is hosted by Joe Rogan. Both are very good primers.
melange said:
I suggest you watch the 2010 Documentary, "DMT-The Sprit Molecule." You can watch it on youtube in several parts. There are two. One by Rick Strassman and a newer version that is hosted by Joe Rogan. Both are very good primers.

I bought it and enjoyed it very much.
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