end of flesh
Rising Star
Hi fellow voyagers. :d I've been snooping around this forum and have gathered much knowledge regarding mysterious, yet beautiful naturally occurring chemiclas. I've finally gotten around to creating a profile. A little about me. College student, parttime worker. Thats all I feel comfortable giving about me personally. As for substances I have spent time with. I've dated lucy, special k, mr. Fungi, DeXter M., my car's nitrous oxide, and I have been studying about Dimitri for a little over half a year and he has led me here I recently obtained 100g of acacia confusa and 30g of syrian rue. Was wondering what any of yiu think about my first attempt and a type of aya experience. I planned to use the herbal percolator method for the acacia. And just chase the rue with some water. And to take a 500mg ginger root before the rue. Wait 30 mins and ingest the confusa then take another ginger root. My question is how much rue and acacia for my first experience using these methods? Also I've read of just grinding rue and capsuling it and the same with acacia? Would that work also? It sounds really convenient but others have said it could be really hard on the stomach but I have ginger root pills on hand. One last question regarding dosage. Is there a gram to tsp equivalency regarding acacia and rue? Thanks hopefully I will recieve a response as opposed to mycotopia.