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Grey chacruna??

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi friends!
a dreamer recived what supposed to be Hawaiian chacruna.
the leafs has grey color and he thought its not seems 100% legit, what you think about that?
you can see there is one leaf there that has the regular green color of chacruna leaf


  • 20210102_195020.jpg
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yes it is legit. I had good chacruna form hawaï like this one too. no worry.its a special strain I reckon. good one. 25 grams for low dose but definite threshold,I used to mix that and some good chaliponga leaf 5/1. nice mix.And caapi or syrian rue of course. but enjoy !
thanks for the fast replay!!!
what you said makes me very relax now, thanks man!!!

i love the sincronized of the univers, has chali ready for cooking, was thinking of 1/10

the plan is to cook 1k of capuri cappi(with the round notes) and 1/2k chacruna + 50g of chali, the last cooking was 1:1 cappi:chacruna but it was brazilian chacruna, what you say about the recepie?
Fractalus said:
thanks for the fast replay!!!
what you said makes me very relax now, thanks man!!!

i love the sincronized of the univers, has chali ready for cooking, was thinking of 1/10

the plan is to cook 1k of capuri cappi(with the round notes) and 1/2k chacruna + 50g of chali, the last cooking was 1:1 cappi:chacruna but it was brazilian chacruna, what you say about the recepie?
sounds good too. go for it. :love: I'd probably drink some of that brew. enjoy !
I've seen chacruna like this make a greyish tea.

I would prepare the chacruna separately from caapi, so you have the flexibility to fine tune the ratios of your dose.
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