Rising Star
I have built a grow box similar to that advertised by many: A plastic box with holes 2 inches apart drilled at all six sides and 1/4 inch drill bit used (advertised by Willy Myco on YT) and shown here:
I don't understand this concept.
First, the perlite easily falls through the bottom as the holes are pretty wide (6 mm or so) so I had to cover them with micropore tape.
Second, the box does not hold any humidity - even with lots of wet perlire, the box has basically the ambient relative humididty (about 49%) but should be >90% ... and the cake casing is dries quickly.
The PF tek does not mention such issues so I am confused. Some people say I should use a closed box and ventilate it often but some say the FAE (free air exchange) is vital.
Can you please advise?
I don't understand this concept.
First, the perlite easily falls through the bottom as the holes are pretty wide (6 mm or so) so I had to cover them with micropore tape.
Second, the box does not hold any humidity - even with lots of wet perlire, the box has basically the ambient relative humididty (about 49%) but should be >90% ... and the cake casing is dries quickly.
The PF tek does not mention such issues so I am confused. Some people say I should use a closed box and ventilate it often but some say the FAE (free air exchange) is vital.
Can you please advise?