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Growing Panaeolus Cyanescence Mushrooms. Who has experience?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hiiigh folks,

A reoccuring Dream Character in my dreams is currently growing mycelium for Psilocybe Cubensis on a Vermiculite/brown rice flour substrate.
Psilocybe Cubensis appears to be the most easily homegrown magic mushroom species.

Now this Dream Character has exceedingly glorious memories of his experiences with Panaeolus Cyanescence.
Panaeolus Cyanescence is sometimes also called Copelandia Cyanescence or "Hawaiian" as they were sold in Dutch smartshops(before the public sale of magic mushrooms was outlawed)
This Dream Character told me this particular mushroom is incredibly potent. 10 grams of them fresh is enough to produce a very deep, immersive entheogenesis while most Cubensis sub-species require 15 to 30 grams fresh to produce an experience that could rival it in intensity.
They are really tiny( usually no taller than 20 cm max.), have really thin stems and flat, round caps. They are rather pale grey/white in color.
SWIM is certain that many of the Psilo-philes that reside here at the nexus are well familiar with this awe inspiring mushroom.

Here's a visual aid:

Now what this Dream Character of mine wants to know is wether anySWIY here has any first hand experience growing this particulair species of Mushroom?
If so could anySWIY tell SWIM:
-How easy/difficult are they to grow?
-What kind of substrate do they prefer?
-Do they require a specific climate? (ideal temperature & humidity level?)
-Do they have any specific weaknessess that my Dream Character should be aware of?

My Dream Character is eagerly awaiting nexian advice and thanks you all in advance.
Even though Phantastica gave you that link, I feel like answering the questions anyway.. so I will.

How easy/difficult are they to grow?
Like he said, not very hard.

What kind of substrate do they prefer?
You need to use manure for these guys. Horse manure will do perfectly.

Do they require a specific climate? (ideal temperature & humidity level?)
75F, give or take 5 degrees or so.

Do they have any specific weaknessess that my Dream Character should be aware of?
They're not the most resistant species and are a bit susceptible to contamination. At any rate, a flush or two from a fully colonized substrate should be no problem.

Grow with confidence.
Allright Nexian folks,
My Dream Character is most gratefull for the swift and plentyfull replies.

He has found several Panaeolus Cyanescence grow Teks on the Shroomery, but the methods varied so greatly he figured he'd better ask advice from folks with personal experience growing it.
I guess my dream character will be making a little excursion to the nearest local cow-farm or horse stables once he's aquired Panaeolus Cyanescence spores.
10 grams cyanescens and 15-30 grams cubensis!? do you consume these quantities!?

Waylit's Pan cyan Tek - a very easy method to grow Pan cyans.
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...-cyan-tek.html (Waylit's Pan cyan Tek)

Panaeolus cyanescens - a look at some different strains.
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...ns-merged.html (Panaeolus cyanescens [merged])

Panaeolus cyanescens, Suphanburi "Goliath" - A grow log
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...i-goliath.html (Panaeolus cyanescens, Suphanburi "Goliath")

Panaeolus cyanescens - Vietnam "Pan Viet "
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...pan-viets.html (Pan Viets)
I would go to mycotopia.net
and search for "Waylits" tech for Pan Cyan
It's been successful for me before..
They are amazing mushrooms good luck!
If you can grow cubensis, you can grow these. They're a little more fussy in their temp and humidity requirements, and don't like too much carbon dioxide at fruiting or it can reduce yields. When they're pinning I use an aquarium pump in their tub to increase air exchange. Manure, either horse or cow, is essential for good fruiting.

This grow tek is straight forward and provided good results on repeated grows:

Thanks for the information, all.

PsilocybeChild said:
10 grams cyanescens and 15-30 grams cubensis!? do you consume these quantities!?

Waylit's Pan cyan Tek - a very easy method to grow Pan cyans.
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...-cyan-tek.html (Waylit's Pan cyan Tek)

Panaeolus cyanescens - a look at some different strains.
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...ns-merged.html (Panaeolus cyanescens [merged])

Panaeolus cyanescens, Suphanburi "Goliath" - A grow log
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...i-goliath.html (Panaeolus cyanescens, Suphanburi "Goliath")

Panaeolus cyanescens - Vietnam "Pan Viet "
http://forums.mycotopia.net/exotic-m...pan-viets.html (Pan Viets)

My first mushroom trip ( and 1st psychedelic experience ever) was with 35 grams of fresh Psilocyb Cubensis of the "Ecuadorian" strain.
That was quite massive and went quite malevolent and bad. But ever since I have been eating roughly 2/3d of a 35 gram portion as sold in the Smartshop ( before they were banned). Usually I have eaten Cubensis species in doses of about 20 grams or so and Paneolus Cyanescence in doses of roughly 7 grams or so.
For fresh mushrooms these doses don't seem abnormally high to me, so perhaps you mistook fresh for dried, in which case it would have been quite a megalomanic dose to ingest indeed. :p
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