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Growing the sacraments in the UK - is it possible?

Migrated topic.
I have a fairly large garden (and a tumbledown greenhouse, which is repairable) which could be put to better use. I like the idea of becoming self-sufficient as much as possible, but i'm really not sure if our climate is good enough for the more common sources.

For example: could Mimosa Hostilis be grown outdoors in the UK? If not, would it be worth it to grow it in large pots in the greenhouse (bearing in mind that if we need the root bark i'd probably need a well developed root system which I could harvest without killing the plant, so pots don't seem like the best solution). How about Syrian Rue?

The main problem I see would be cold weather killing them off, so a greenhouse heater would seem to be in order if I went down that route. Then again, it may not be practical.

Could be that the grasses in my overgrown garden are already DMT carriers - you know i'd be cutting the lawn on a regular basis if that was the case. :) There's some interesting looking reeds around my area which look similar to what's published in Some Simple Tryptamines, but at the moment I have no way of doing TLC to find out what's what (and no idea how to seperate the Gramine from the rest of the goodies). I guess i'd like to know if there are any species that will grow well in the UK that don't have much else apart from DMT and that's easy to extract with common household chems - that's why I like MHRB as a source of spice.

What does everyone else think?
Your trying to do about what I'm trying to do...

Most of the entheogens will have to be indoor/outdoor plants in pots, but it's fairly easy actually.

Go for it!!! Start with some Trichocereus and Caapi!
When I move out and get my own place I'm going to grow many Entheogens. For a lot of them you would have to grow in the Greenhouse, as you can control the tempreture in there.

Currently I'm growing Peyote. I'm growing them indoors and after about 1 year I'll move them outside.
I've never tried to grow Mimosa, as you say it doesn't appear practical.

Syrian Rue is easy to grow in the uk, i leave mine outdoors all year round without problem.
I also grow Salvia, outdoor spring summer, indoor Autumn/winter.
A couple of San Pedro, Peyote and a Sceletium tortuosum indoors.
I have a nice Psychotria V. that is inside atm but lives outside warmer months.

I did once try and home a caapi, it never looked too happy though and didn't survive.

All the plants i have, i have been growing for a few years now and they really do not need much attention, v.easy plants to care for.
I grow everything indoors under CFLs. Mimosa is easy, just get a big pot. After the plant has been growing for a couple years, cut out a quarter of the pot. Soil, roots, everything. Fill in with soil. Every year you can take a different quarter of the roots. When you get all the way back around, the first set is ready to go again.
What is the best DMT containing plant to grow outside, in a border, in the UK? Does anyone have any suggestions?
I think i seem to have gathered that most things can be grown in the UK but it does seem that the main difference is the length of time they take to grow.

Very interested about this sort of thing and would love to get my garden going to when i move house!
What is the best DMT containing plant to grow outside, in a border, in the UK? Does anyone have any suggestions?

You could grow Phalaris grass and other DMT contains plants outside... just look for the cold hardy ones.
Any thoughts on why the caapi died? Does it need humidity? Maybe a bell jar could simulate rainforest? I'm assuming it doesn't need too much light so would grow well indoors if it was happy with soil and climate.

Does it matter when seeds are bought and when they are planted? For mimosa hostilis, b.caapi, chacruna, chaliponga, phalaris, trichs, peyote, khat. Does anyone know of any good sites for growing tips for all the above? The Nook is good for cactus.
Ive started growing some mapacho. I think cacti will do just fine on the windowsill in the uk.
I think there was even an ice plant that contains dmt... tho ill need to check that.

Whoman did you ever plant anything? Its march already! Let us know man.
I just realised how old this post is. Either way i wanted to bump it.
Anybody out there growing things in the uk?

Im particularly curious about caapi.
Mushrooms, cactus, Datura, Illenois bundleflower, Morning glories and Salvia all grow either easily outside or inside with a little bit of care and little extra expense.

I'd love to grow some caapi too, but I doubt it can be done without a serious green house setup. Syrian rue is probably a more viable option for a UK MAOI plant, but I've never tried that myself.

But I think from all I've listed above a serious psychonaut could easily become fairly self sufficent, which is what it's all about for me.
Caapi can be grown as a house plant, I've got a cool little caapi plant, about a year(ish) old now, and about a foot high, I germianted it from a seed a while back. Germination rates are naturally low, got a few though, but only one thrived. So it can definitely be done...not that I'm growing to use it (although it does shed leaves for use in changa/brews), I just sought its presence as part of the general botanical ambience of my room (that plant really ties the room together). Caapi seems like a tough and adaptable plant past the seedling stage.
Bancopuma said:
Caapi can be grown as a house plant, I've got a cool little caapi plant, about a year(ish) old now, and about a foot high, I germianted it from a seed a while back. Germination rates are naturally low, got a few though, but only one thrived. So it can definitely be done...not that I'm growing to use it (although it does shed leaves for use in changa/brews), I just sought its presence as part of the general botanical ambience of my room (that plant really ties the room together). Caapi seems like a tough and adaptable plant past the seedling stage.

Hmm... I'm now very intrigued. And that plant really ties the room together, does it not?

Are the seeds pretty easy to come across? Also what sort of rate is it growing and in what conditions?
Haha thought you might pick up on that reference 😉

Well I got my seeds through Ebay. They seem to vary in availability, but its worth a check. I'm pretty sure Julio at IcarosDNA sells them as well, and I'm sure they will be of high quality...with caapi seeds, I think fresher is better, germination rates really taper off with time.

I germinated my seeds in a see through plastic tub, the kind I use for growing mushrooms, with a reptile heat mat beneath it (also got via Ebay). A little bottom heat is essential too increase chances of a successful germination. I think of a batch of 20 seeds, 4 germinated, 2 died very soon afterwards, and one just stalled, refused to grow, and died. So it kinda makes my one plant now all the more special. 8)

Humidity needs to be kept high and the compost will want to be moist but not sodden...the seeds seem very vulnerable to fungal attacks. So a little fungicide may be an ally, although I germinated mine without. Maya was selling some caapi cuttings a while back, but I've heard seedlings will adapt better to household conditions.
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