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Guide to salvia quidding

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Okay so some people seem to have questions often when I say that I prefer quidding to smoking leaf or extracts..so here is what I have figured out.

I grow this plant..I have many plants and love growing her..she is an easy plant to grow so you might want to concider that..

So, once your plant is large enough to harvest some leaf do so..if you dont have a salvia garden then find some dry whole leaf..not crushed. Dry leaf can be rehydrated in a small bowl of water for a few minutes..just enough so that when you roll it it does not crack..

The dosage is different for everyone..for me it starts at about 2 large leaves..that dose for me is light medative level, mostly just when laying down in bed very still..sometimes I will go off into very light daydreamy states and get very very light hints of the salvia gravity and pulling..it is nothing heavy though..

3-5 leaves it deepens and I get the usual pulling, stretching, rotating along impossible angles etc..again at this dose I have to lay down in the dark to make this effect noticable..walking around I might have moments where I look down and feel tall as a building, feel stretchy etc but it is not so bad that I cant make my way to the washroom etc..it is nothing like a tryptamine. The main thing that just starts for me at this level though is that when laying down very still in the darkness, I enter the shamanic dreamtime. This is where the visions, the lessons and the dream symbols manifest. This is where you want to be.

Larger doses it gets deeper and deeper..and I wont go into that because salvia goes deeper than you can possibly imagine. Most sane people dont want to imagine that.

Now, we are quidding..mazatecs sort of quid..but they basically eat the leaves and dont hold them for long enough for all the salvinorin to absorb in the mouth..so they require more leaf. I do eat my salvia leaf-but I do not swallow right away..the trick is to chew a few times, let the saliva build, hold it at the back of your mouth near your wisdom teetor right at the back of your throat..and then after a few minutes swallow that salica-but not the quid..chew the quid a few more times, let the saliva that builds up sit there at the very very back of the mouth near the throat again for a few minutes, swallow and then repeat..within 10-15 minutes the quid will be comming apart and pieces will already be getting swallowed and you should feel some effects..swallow the quid at this point or spit it out if you want to. It is traditional to eat it and I think there is health benifits so I eat it.

So to make your quid take your leaves and stack them on top of each other like a deck of cards..then roll them up into a short little cylinder that looks like a green leaf cigar..place this quid at the back of the mouth between the wisdom teeth(or your back teeth if you had yours removed) and lightly chew a few times..you will feel the saliva build quickly..it will be bitter but I dont mind it really. Some hate the taste. Hold it there and let the saliva sit at the back like I said above, swallow after a few minutes and repeat.

It can take a few times to really get it right..but you will know when you do. Once you start getting some effects you realize what you did right etc and you get better at it..

Another thing is that salvia is weird..there is no tolerance at all..there is only reverse tolerance and it can take some people a few exposures to really respond to the salvinorin..so keep that in mind.

Please do not take this medicine lightly. It is the strongest there is out there. I cant think of anything more powerful in it's ability to completely replace this reality with another one while leaving you with no recollection of ever taking salvia, or even having a human life. If you start low and work your way up you will find the right shamanic dose that works for you where you dont experience this complete loss of reality and amnesia in relation to your human life. While those higher states can be facinating and I find the memories I have of them interesting, it can be extremely dangerous and terrifying. When working with larger doses of this medicine it is best to always have a sitter, moreso than with any other medicine..reguardless of experience.

Be safe and respectful and this plant can lead you into a treasure chest of knowledge..be stupid about it and you will have your ass handed to you.
Perfect, thank you very much for that. Now I want to get some plants again :)

The ones I had before all died :(

Every one say here how easy it is to grow them but I do not have the same experience at all.

I have to try it again
you need to get a healthy cutting. Often when you order salvia cuttings I think they are not so healthy. In my experience the unhealthy stressed cuttings do not grow so much at the start. Having a really green and healthy cutting from the start really makes a difference in how well it adjusts.

Once you get a good cutting going that produces enough for more cuttings to be taken you are set though..at that point it is the easiest plant to grow and propegate.

Have you ever tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only. If you have how many grams would you suggest somebody try? (prior to hydration)

Also, If you have tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only, have you noticed any difference in effect as opposed to quidding fresh leaves only?
yes I have quidded rehydrated leaves many times. I have about a pillowcase of leaf I have grown and dried and that is what I quid most often because I only take leaf from my plants when I take cuttings..so I only quid fresh leaf if I have taken cuttings that day becasue you have to remove some leaf off the stem anyway.

I dont measure in grams, never have. I just take 2-5 large leaves..leaves about the size of a large hand etc..5 leaves for me is a good strong dose but not so strong that I loose awareness of what is going on etc..3 leaves is where it starts to really get interesting for me. Some people say they use like 13 pairs of leaf like the mazatecs etc but I honestly do not know what that is about, unless they are just eating them quickly and not quidding.

I have never noticed any difference between fresh and rehydrated leaf.
Dreamwalker said:

Have you ever tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only. If you have how many grams would you suggest somebody try? (prior to hydration)

Also, If you have tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only, have you noticed any difference in effect as opposed to quidding fresh leaves only?

my dried leaves got semi-crushed and so i just weigh them out now. i haven't gotten too deep into the experience yet and have only tried it a couple times, but i would start with around 3 or 4 grams and then add more if you want

quidding is definitely something that beckons for further exploration. thanks for the info jamie
universecannon said:
Dreamwalker said:

Have you ever tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only. If you have how many grams would you suggest somebody try? (prior to hydration)

Also, If you have tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only, have you noticed any difference in effect as opposed to quidding fresh leaves only?

my dried leaves got semi-crushed and so i just weigh them out now. i haven't gotten too deep into the experience yet and have only tried it a couple times, but i would start with around 3 or 4 grams and then add more if you want

quidding is definitely something that beckons for further exploration. thanks for the info jamie

This is exactly why I'm asking this question. I've been growing salvia for a while now and my plan originally was to quid the fresh leaves when I had enough.

Over time as I collected leaves that have fallen I placed them in a bag and eventually they broke up making it impossible for me to take 3 or 4 full leaves to re-hydrate. They were all in pieces.

Thanks for the input universe and thanks Jamie for this write up.

It's true, quidding is something that beckons further exploration...
the trick is to get a very large jar and store dry leaf that way so they dont get all crushed as they do in bags. You can still quid leaves that crush into a few pieces..just roll it all into a ball when rehydrated.
Yes, jamie, thank you for the write up.

I've had the feeling that smoking isn't the ideal way to ingest salvia (at least for me) but haven't figured out how to quid. I tried chewing a bunch of rehydrated leaves once, but did something wrong because it was GROSS- way too much water dripping down my throat and I nearly gagged because of the volume of leaves.

If your leaves are as big as a large hand, that probably accounts for the discrepancy between your dosage and people who use 13 pairs of leaves. The leaves from my plants aren't nearly as big as yours. Maybe the size of basil leaves. The biggest are maybe twice that size.
Dreamwalker said:

Have you ever tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only. If you have how many grams would you suggest somebody try? (prior to hydration)

Also, If you have tried quidding re-hydrated leaves only, have you noticed any difference in effect as opposed to quidding fresh leaves only?

Old thread, new bump... After growing these plants for the third year I finally decided to go for it. I have quidded 2 leaves on a few occasions last year in the dark with some of the mild gravity effects Jamie describes. This level also gave me a relaxed feeling the next day. Noticeable but slight.

Before the frost 2 nights ago I gathered my cuttings chose some fan leaves starting with 2 the first night. Same effects. Last night I chose some dried leaf and rehydrated. These were harvested last year and kept in the dark after drying. I chose 4 of the largest intact sample and rolled into a small cigar. I proceeded to lay back and read while letting the liquid sit in my mouth waiting quite some time before I swallowed. Is the bitterness subsided I was thinking "well this must be a dud batch." I put my reading done and turned out the light, quid still resting on my back molars. My dog was snoring and it suddenly took on this weird life of its own. A cosmic snore? It lulled me into a place and took on this zipping sound as I was being pulled into all I can describe as a vortex. There was an elflike chanting of a mantra in hy head that was so familiar, something I heard doing nitrous oxide and acid together in the late 90's. It was the sound of being chanted out of reality. My body felt like it was stretching and breaking into smaller pieces. I became a little fearful as I realized I might go too far with no sitter. I pulled the quid out and threw it! :shock: As I moved my body to seated waves of euphoria spread through my limbs. I felt like I would fall through a hole in beneath my seat. I laid back moving between almost sober to weird dream state. I began to wish I had kept the quid and at the same time being glad I didn't. I want to explore further but I can see why I would want someone there with a clear head so it may be a while before I venture this far again. It was the weirdest trip ever. Today I definitely felt a little more of a hangover effect that coffee cut through well enough. Feeling very chill today.
I will say the rehydrated leaf was easier to manage in terms of tastes and volume of spit. Fresh leaf might be easier in terms of identifying size. I recommend weighing dried leaf.
im real excited. i just ordered some fresh leaf and im gonna try quidding for the first time.. until now ive only smoked(20x) but every time its been to chaotic to focus. i never even remember i smoke it so im just like WTF the whole time. this time im gonna try the quids. im gonna throw some theta waves on, put my wifes mary kay sleeping mask on (dont judge me it blacks out the room great lol) and try to really take things slow this time and see if we can develop a better relationship me and ol sally d. i really appreciate the guide though and ill be sure to post how this goes.:thumb_up:
As is so often the case, questions on the Nexus have been well answered in previous threads. Jamie gives rather definitive advice here on Salvia quidding. This info applies to tinctures as well. Interestingly, I've a shoebox full of dried plain leaf, home grown in 2012, that remains potent for rehydrated quidding, or smoking. This fact and the realty that the trance induced via plain leaf is rather negotiable, is why I refer to Salvia as an ergonomic ally.

Achilles, your anticipated plan for quidding sounds, spot on! Good luck.

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