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Happy perihelion

Migrated topic.


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Our closest annual approach to the sun is coming Jan 3 2018 at 5:35 GMT. At that time it will be high noon (closet part of the Earth to the sun) at -22.82,97.34 I think (using Degrees and decimal minutes map coordinates, DMM). This is unfortunately in the Indian ocean, not a good place for a party (but you may find some illuminati yachts if you stop by).

The more interesting perihelion will be Jan 5 2020. This is the closest approach to the sun in this century. High noon on the surface of the Earth will be at -22.66,64.27. Also in the ocean but with a few hundred miles of a populated island (Rodrigues). Unless you are an astronaut that will be the time and place where you (or any human over the last 100 years) can be closest to the sun in your lifetime. Party anyone?


Note/Disclaimer: This was done on a cellphone while on the toilet and numbers have not been checked independently. They could be wrong. I have full confidence that of I'm wrong downwarsfromzero will figure it out and fix it 😉
If you happen to be flying from Madagascar to Australia, you may come even closer to the sun than the illuminati in their yachts :)
Loveall said:
Note/Disclaimer: This was done on a cellphone while on the toilet and numbers have not been checked independently. They could be wrong. I have full confidence that of I'm wrong downwarsfromzero will figure it out and fix it 😉
Now there's a challenge I'm only too happy to utterly fail to respond to (except for this bit).

Nice info, thanks :)
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