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has anybody ever microdosed with salvia, in combination with another psychedelic susbstance?

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Staff member
I can imagine that a small amount, i mean a realy small amount, would be realy nice with weed.
Or ayahuasca or shrooms. Or kratom even. I don't know how it would be with the more energetic psychedelics like LSD and mescaline though.
Salvia synergizes quite strongly with 1,4 butendiol. Five quidded Salvia leaves along with 1.9 ml 1,4 BD put me straight into chattering machine elf territory. For those who have never heard of it 1,4 BD is thought to be a prodrug that transforms in the body to GHB.

A friend of mine who was regularly taking ayahuasca at the time had complete ego dissolution from ONE unfortified smoked leaf on his very first try with Salvia. Tread carefully there.

I never see anyone else mention it but summer grown leaves in my experience are extraordinarily more potent than fall/winter/spring grown ones.
I keep a small stash of MJ mixed with SD(plain leaf)@50/50. Typically 2 bong hits, gently smoked is plenty. I tend to use this more for quiet contemplation v socializing. Interesting how the SD brings a subtle profundity to the experience. If one has familiarity with Salvia space, the effects are discernible even at very low doses.

My experience has been that the value in smoking a bit of potent SD extract is more about familiarizing one to Salvia space, than the intense(though interesting) full immersion "Salvia Droid"(hat tip) circus. Indeed the deep, space/time/matter/energy, mind melt afforded by potent extracts CAN bring learning IF you're an individual who is able to "endure" the ordeal. It's not widely enjoyed however.

For many, "reverse tolerance", is a useful characteristic of using SD as an ally. I'll occasionally quid a few plain leaves, post peak, during mushroom or anahuasca trips. It brings an interesting combination of "headiness" and "visceral grounding". Low dose SD lends a queer sensibility of the embeddedness of the body in the reality matrix. It reminds me of the VITAL role our bodies play in allowing us to transceive the Consciousness field in which we subsist AND are, moment to moment, sustained by.

In short, it is the subtle planes of SD space that allow comfortable, ergonomic and fruitful study of mystic experiencing!

I find that salvia extract 40x or 20 or 10x is more enjoyable in lighter doses...

I simply wash the dark crap off the 20x by soaking it in grain alcohol for several hours or better overnight .. and drain off the darkened alcohol leaving a nice clean olive green leaf material..

After drying the 20x salvis is now a lot cleaner and smoother.. with very minimal loss of potency after this your left with nice clean olive green leaf material that will surprise you how potent it still is !

The first time i did this i expected to wash the salvorian A out of the leaf.. but i think..the reverse happened and the grain alcohol must have infused the salvorian A deeper into the leafe material while shedding the dirty dark coating leaving a much cleaner product...

The time i did the salvia 20x wash after drying the leaf I tryed just a very small pinch i expected it to be very weak... but instead it felt more gentle on the come up but still strong !

And it also got very visual! as i saw a spinning celesterial wheel ..[the spokes on this wheel looked like beings] like the statues of beings in ancient Rome..their hands were all linked together at the central hub.. .....slowly spinning in salvia space..

The whole experiance felt much cleaner and more casual and relaxed..i got enjoyment from this cleaned mini dose of salvia 20x..

It was no more stressfull than sitting in your favorite easy chair and lighting your pipe by a nice warm fireplace!

This happened for me on a mini dose of cleaned 20x salvia leaf..about 5 small match heads in a pile would equal the amount i smoked...

I would call it a mini dose/...
Ditto to everything Legarto Rey said. I use a 50/50 blend in a spliff occasionally, but admit that sometimes it doesn't bring out the SD as much as others. I've read that a 'fat' joint should be used, which I'm not very good at making, lol. But in a bong, it probably works great.

I've spent the last few years mainly exploring the subtle space of low-dose quids where I can easily go back and forth between being 'attached' and 'detached' from the body like a magnet. I always smoke cannabis first, which synergizes very well.

I've also found great enjoyment out of moving my body with the salvia currents on these low doses. If light enough, I can stand and move all around in a free-flow which feels a bit like tai chi, but if it's too strong, I'll sit or lie down and just move my upper body around.

Vocalizing/throat singing is pretty interesting in this state as well...
The, "shallow yet profound", trance state engendered with SD quids(plain leaf) is very ergonomic. With a bit of practice one can "attach and detach"(a la physics envy) from the consensus realm rather easily. If interrupted, "real life" can be managed with low probability of a 911 intervention. This may sound silly, but is the reality in a busy, crowded dwelling(kids, old parents, wives, girlfriends, delivery dudes...etc).

I recently smoke 80mg of 5X salvia about 5 hours after ingesting LSD and MDMA as well as having administered some Rapé snuff about5 minutes before smoking the salvia. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! best salvia experience I have had to date. while i haven't had that many, this will certainly not be the last. it gave me a new profound respect, intrigue and admiration for the plant. It made the experience quite electric and beautifully vibrant. cant wait to do it again! Highly recommend it. After a bit more practice with lady salvia i would like to work my way up to incorporating some into a changa blend, for very special occasions
Good people, amazing thread. I have navigated for a long time lsd, aya, mushrooms (cubes, mexicanae) ...

Lately found tremendous benefit from micro-dosing lsd, also mushroom (from 150 proof tincture), and the combination which is amazing.

I don't want breakthrough into Salvia, i hate rollercoaster and know it would freak me out.

However, i would love to mirco-dose her.

Could someone suggest a micro-dose method that could work for a salvia newbie?

Smoked plain leaf? or smoke tiny amount of 10x/15x/20x?
Most people are responding with non-microdose experiences. Oh well.

I microdosed Salvia once when I was also microdosing Iboga. I fell into a very deep, comfortable sleep/dream state in which I felt/visualized that I was inside or one of the roots of a big tree. I felt wooden. It was deep, dark, solid, Earthy, and safe. Very relaxing and rejuvenating.
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