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Has anyone tried Mulungu liquid extract 4:1 or 10:1 for sleep?

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Rising Star
Hello, I've never heard about Mulungu until now. I came across this herb just recently and from what I've read so far it seems very promising, especially for sleep issues.

Currently, I need to take 7.5mg of zolpidem with 25mg of promethazine (an antihistamine drug) every night, to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep.

I also take Valerian 800mg, Melatonin 6mg, and Lemon balm every night, but they all work more or less like a placebo. They don't make me feel tired or sleepy at all.

For example, Passion flower paradoxically makes me more awake, and my heart beats faster after taking it.

Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!
Mulungu has somε anti-cholinεrgic activity rεportεd by rεsεarchεrs, which makεs it lεss than idεal. It's also somεwhat obscurε, as far as clinical data goεs, εxcεpt for its traditional usε. You'd havε to wεight thosε against your currεnt rεgimεn. Promεthazinε is a first-gεnεration anti-histaminε, so it's anti-cholinεrgic. I'm pεrsonally surprisεd to sεε such a strong combination of hypnotics.
My goal is to reduce zolpidem intake. Would you recommend Mulungu extract for that? The only thing I am afraid of with Mulungu, I've read it has a very long-lasting effect. I would probably try 4:1 extract bottle and start with a few drops.
I have made tea out of Erythrina mulungu and it's very benzodiazepine-like. Not sure if alcohol extract is more potent. Should be good for sleep issues. Not sure if it's healthy in the long term.

Valerian is not placebo, you just need potent roots and make a strong tea or alcohol extract. Pills do not work well. It is very powerful sedative. Saffron is great too.
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