Personally, I don't think religion should be brought into the factor of DMT, spirituality, YES spirituality, bring that into the equasion, all religion started as spirituality, symbolic of astrology, astronomy and sacred use of herbs/medicines, eventually being warped and manipulated into control mechanisms. One could say that religion is organised spirituality with indoctrination into control. "Oh you know those places the shamans and mystics tell you about? When you die, you're PUNISHED!!! if you don't do what I say in this life". One could also argue and it's my personal favourite that the majority of major religion is actually symbolic of DMT space, I've recently started reading into the Quballah/Kaballah/Caballa, the books of the Zohar, amongst other religious text and sacred texts, a lot of the places and events described as incredibly symbolic of the DMT space, or representative of the chaos the universe emerged from in genesis.
My own beliefs, I was thoroughly scientific before taking DMT and if anything, it's completely dumbfounded my belief system, radically changing who I am and what I actually believe in, before I was agnostic, almost athiest, believing in nothing.. now, I believe in the power of the universe and what we are all part of.
A friend of mine and myself both describe "God" as something we both called "Pulse" the throbbing heart of creation, an eye covered in blinding light, with the sacred geometry and metatrons cube encasing it, constantly merging and changing into something else.
I think that DMT is representative of the chaos or "realm of the dead" most spiritual and sacred belief systems speak of and God is the universe itself, everything we walk in, touch, smell and feel, consciousness itself.. although, I still cannot claim to know anything, for in reality I know nothing
and nothing is worth knowing.