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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
kinda random...
but, just this past weekend, i had a very strange experience.
i was hanging out over at a friend's house with a group of people when all of the sudden a closed bedroom door starts shaking/rattling.
i almost coulnt beleive it when the girl sitting next to me pointed it out for all of us to see. i thought someone was playing a trick, so i opened the door and went in to investigate. it was ice cold in that room, and no one was in there but me.
I've been in a house that was thought to be haunted once, thats of course what grabed my interest. It was a friend of mines house, they had recently moved there and claimed weird shit was happening, doors opening and closing, and strangly the faucet in the bathroom sink would cut on wide open late at night. I was visiting one night, about 6 of us where hanging out and smoking herbage, it was winter so we had the fire place going and it was hot as shit inside, i was almost to the point of sweating. The whole house was fairly warm, the doors where shut and we where all in the living room, i don't talk much so i was just chillin. All of a suden my face was cold, yet the rest of me was still hot, i raised my hand up, once it got so high it was in a cold spot like my face. The cold spot remained the for a few minutes, only on my head and around it, like i said i could put my hand through it and feel it. Science would tell me if it where a cold draft it would move, also cold air drops in a hot room, so it would move to my feet, but was not the case at all. The only other explanation could be hallucination, and i didn't have anything to check the temp with of course so i can't say it wasn't that.

But like i said, in the Ghost Lab show i've been watching they do have devices to check the temp, and found it is common for real odd cold spots to move around and only cover a small area. So i would say i was probably experiencing the ghostly cold spot and not a hallucination.

Which brings me to the explanation of hallucination not explaning the reported cold spots because the device can confirm the temp. I can understand the EVP explanation to a degree, but i've never really heard any, and would not trust searching the web to find any from untrusted sources. I've heard some on the Ghost lab show, and its not real clear, but at the same time obvious its human speach and not just trying to make something out of nothing as the explanation says.
Also... They say that air preasure can account for a door closing, but what explanation do they have for when i shut door opens? Something would have to turn the nob in order to open the door, so its not air preasure.
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