I have just found this page that gives some information
its says 1 HBWR seed has about 0.25mg LSA, and it has this percentage of other alkaloids:
% of Total alkaloid; % dry seed weight
Ergine = 22.68% ; 0.136%
Isoergine = 31.36% ; 0.188%
Ergometrine* = 8.20% ; 0.049%
Lys. alpha-OH-ethylamide = 5.79% ; 0.035%
IsoLys. = 3.98 % ; 0.024%
What do you guys think? Reliable? In the thread I linked the user Pixar has extracted LSA from 100 seeds, that would mean 25mg of LSA. According to
PsychonautWiki , Albert Hoffman tested on it self 0.5mg intravenously and described something that sounds to me like a mild trip just about threshold level. So 25mg is 50 times what Hoffman took and it would probably be way to much for a dose.
In fact, always on PsychonautWiki, the doses are:
Threshold: 1 - 3 seeds
Light: 3 - 5 seeds
Common: 5 - 7 seeds
Strong: 7 - 12 seeds
Heavy: 12 seeds +
So with a common dose of 5 seeds you should have 1mg of LSA (plus other alkaloids that according to PsychonautWiki might contribute to the trip) and I would guess that to be quite reasonable since according to
this website LSA should be 1/10 of the potency of LSD and 0.1mg of LSD I know is around the average dose for a trip.
So basically all the information I found on the internet seems to be pointing at doses of about 5 seeds apart from that thread here on dmt-nexus, which usually is the best source of info on psychedelics... what am I missing?