3 seeds of Datura stramonium are COMPLETELY SAFE. They contain up to 0.7% alkaloids, 80% of that being hyoscyamine, and the remaining being mostly scopolamine and traces of atropine.
Each seed weighs up to 10 mg. So that’s a maximum of 70 micrograms of hyoscyamine per seed, The maximum safe pharmaceutical dose of hyoscyamine is 1500 micrograms. The lowest dose used pharmaceutically is normally 400 micrograms taken 3 times a day, so 210 (70x3) micrograms of hyoscyamine is EXTREMELY SAFE.
When 3 seeds are used with HBWR, they very effectively block the nausea, as well as increase the visual effects, increase the euphoria, help block the sedative effects, and make the trip more LSD like. It’s a 4 star combination.
Datura stramonium got a bad reputation from idiots taking massive overdoses of 50 or more seeds to produce a toxic state of delirium. That’s extremely dangerous, can kill you, put you in a coma, etc. The maximum safe dosage of seeds is set at 20 seeds. One should never take more than 10 seeds to be extra safe. 3 seeds are absolutely completely safe.