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Healing Spice Trip

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I wasn't sure weather to put this report in the Health section or trip reports cause it's actually a healing DMT trip I found while browsing: Smoked a huge hit, and set the pipe down as reality started to unravel. i liken alot of the experiences i have on dmt to be like i am on a conveyor belt, from the perspective of a spectator, just viewing whats shown to me as i am continually brought along this path. Well the other night was no different. but normally, i focus on all the pretty things. i was shown TONS of beautiful psychedelic displays, but i payed no attention to them. each turn on the conveyor belt brought me tons of ever more beautiful and complex eye candy, but i felt as though this was all to distract me and was of no real value. i wanted more. i was also struck with a feeling of apathy, that i really had lost caring for alot of things in this world. things that should excite me, i just took for granted. that even these beautiful things, were just eh... so what, instead of OH MY GOD~! Eventually i was brought along to what looked to be an old knarly tree, all withering up and not doing well at all. upon closer examination, i realized the tree was me. i was then communicated to by someone who claimed that i was always being monitored, but the dmt made it easier for me to interact w/ them. they tried to convey that i needed to love myself better, and that only by loving myself better could i ever learn to enjoy other things in life and let it have more zest for me. i became the tree. i felt sorta bad, and then my head (and the trees head, as we were one) tilted back, and light shined down upon me. i started to feel better. then i tilted down, and it went away. i put the connection that i did indeed need to love myself, and again my head tilted back, and i was filled with warmth and happiness.. and love. My neck had been bothering me for a couple days, and the beings told me that they would take the first step towards helping me, and that my neck could be easily fixed. immediately all pain that had been in my neck (it happened when i turned my neck to the left) vanished. i could roll it and turn it to my hearts delight w/ no pain. they said that i had to take the next step to improving myself, that i needed to take better care of myself, and to love me more. 2 days later, and my neck is still fine when i turn it that way. the session w/ the spice genuinely helped me out and healed my neck. it was pretty amazing. I find that lately the dmt trips have been more about me. which is odd... i had also tried to direct this trip towards some entities or beings that genuinely cared about my wellbeing, and was granted this.
Great report :) It's good to hear of healing properties of DMT. How often do you smoke DMT? And have you ever tried Ayahuasca?
DMTripper wrote: [quote:07ac1a430f]Great report It's good to hear of healing properties of DMT. How often do you smoke DMT? And have you ever tried Ayahuasca?[/quote:07ac1a430f] I haven't had the opportunity to try the spice or aya yet actually. I have tried shrooms, salvia and acid though. That trip was one that i found on the net. I heard from the grapevine that aya is very similiar to shrooms but it's more smoother and it takes you deeper.
heh.. thats actually my report from thenook.org give credit if your using someone elses report. interesting as i just made a thread in the general forum here to see if anyone had any healing smoked spice sessions... gave a few examples, but ommitted this one. as for how often ive smoked dmt, i try to keep sessions to twice a month w/ 1-2 voyages typically in one of those sessions. in the past ive smoked alot of dmt... prolly getting near 10 grams total. maybe well past that too.. i quit keeping track. it should be noted that ive had some other healing spice trips.. its been a recurrent theme lately... one of the more impressive ones actually dropped my blood pressure 20 points.. (diastolic the lower #) heres a link to the thread in the general forum. http://www.dmt-nexus.me/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=851[/url]
Well Sorrry! :p j/k That was a cool report by the way. Do you get healing trips often like that? I read your other report and it seems there really can be amazingly positive/healing journeys to hyperspace which are permenant.
its been a trend lately. i dont know how much is subconciously triggered as i have worried about my health a fair amount in the past 6 months.. so im sure that could be somewhat responsible. ive also tried to direct the trips that way before smoking. not always, but i have asked for healing spice trips that really did grant that to me. its pretty amazing. I dont know how common this kind of thing is... hence why i was asking you guys in the common forum.
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