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Heart problems a problem?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have a friend who is older and has suffered a heart attack about two years ago, he is now on several heart meds for cholesteral and blood pressure.He has an interest in trying DMT.I told him that smoking may be a problem due to a raise in BP and heart rate.But I thought orally may be better.Does anyone know how bp meds might react with an maoi.I dont like the sound of it.But he really wants to try it.He is very familiar with LSD,mescaline,mushrooms and salvia so mentally he's prepared.(as prepared as you can get)He's a really cool guy and id like to help him out but i dont want anything bad to happen.

Maybe if he just smoked a small amount and went from there?
Nobody can know... Dmt is a serious experience.
I tend to think that the DMT do not affect the heart rate that much by itself, but the intensity of a full breakthtrough could.
Smoking low amount and gradually increase, each time checking rate and pressure is probably the safer way.

The problem with oral dose is that it last much longer and it's harder to determine the appropriate doses.
SWIM noticed that his heart was beating quite slowly after a 100 mg rue extract ingestion.
SWIM said me that salvia made his heart racing much more than with DMT.

But he can't say about the mix of beta-blockers and MAOI... not sure it's safe.
I'll put it like this...
If your friend's heart can handle the pulse increase he'd get from
a strong adrenaline rush, he can likely handle smoked DMT.

As for the medication he's on, each one would need to be researched itself.
Here's a general quote:

"May be more potent when combined with MAOIs, leading to a greater than expected drop in blood pressure and dizziness when standing "

Remember too, the amount of MAOI taken for oral aya may exceed the amount used to come to the above conclusion..
It's PROBABLY not a good idea.
My SWIM is young but he too has hypertension. He used to use Bystolic for it but then he stopped because it made him feel quite depressed. He stilled has some and uses half the pill on the days he would plan to use DMT. However, I am sure it would be better for him to not be on medication. Seems like it would cause the body to go through a swing which is not good. Then again if it is stage 1 it isn't as serious. In all seriousness, plugging it isn't a bad idea. No rush that would raise the BP, and no need for MAOI if the medication is a must.
if a rollercoaster would be dangerous to him, then he shouldnt do it...

in case he wants to do it anyway, then I think smoking is the least recommended way.. orally maybe, at very low doses to begin with, going up slowly and gradually.

but I would tend to discouraging him from doing it.

when you said he has taken acid and so on, even after having suffered the attack, or before it only?
SWIM's heart goes like the clappers when he smokes it. He worries about it (along with his breathing) during warp speed, but is ok when he settles into the visions.
He once asked a friend to put her hand on his chest and watch his breathing. She said his breathing was fine, but his heart WAS beating quite fast, he wasn't imagining it.
It feels comparable to an ephedrine heartrate, and I expect ephedrine is contraindicated to people with heart problems, so my initial thought would be that he shouldn't smoke it, just to be safe. I mean, viagra is contraindicated for heart complaints, and that doesn't raise SWIM's heartrate noticeably at all (although maybe bp is different from heartrate?).
I've been told that ayahuasca counteracts the rise in BP so is safer [EDIT: forgot about his other meds, no idea how they'd interact]. But I'm not qualified to give medical advice and I doubt whoever told me is either.
As with any drug, speak to a doctor. However expect the general ' dont do drugs' speech. Dont tell him you want to try it. Tell him you ARE going to try it and need to know what to expect. Explain that you get slightly elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Ask him how this will affect current medications etc.
Thanks for the input everyone.My friend(and it really is a friend) seems determined to smoke.I told him that ayahuasca was not an option unless he quit all meds prior but thats not an option for him.So i suggested he starts with a very small dose smoked and work his way up.

This guy is tough, he is 61 and he is planning a trip to west Texas to eat peyote in the wild.He says he has a map to where a natural peyote field is.He dosnt want to take any back he just wants to trip in the desert.Point being hes not a feble old fart and i dont think he really cares if it kills him or not.He wants to live life not sit in a rocking chair until he dies.

I will make certain he understands the risk but its up to him.
Good luck to him, I hope he comes back from hyperspace safely :)

Brace yourself for the storm about his wild-peyote-eating plan. Peyote is an endangered species. He should not be eating wild plants. He shouldn't even really be eating plants he's bought off others, because they could have been taken from the wild. He should only eat ones he's grown himself from seed... so maybe given his age and condition he should think unselfishly, and forget about peyote and stick to the alternative species. In many people's eyes in this community, peyote-poaching is probably viewed as worse than whale or turtle hunting.
Take him on a big ass roller-coaster first, if he dies there, you won't get in trouble, if he lives, then he can smoke some DMT :)
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