Rising Star
Here´s the deal, my gf´s mother is a recovering alcoholic, she has had very hard drinking problems to the point where she lost everything including custody of my gf´s little sister her home etc.
The point where she tried stop drinking was when she got so ill she had to have a heart valve removed and replaced to be able to survive...
Today she is better but still suffers from hard denial of the damage she has done to people and still has relapses now and then...
We both think aya could help her be honest with her self but my gf is worried about her health and such.
I don´t know what kind of effects harmalas and dmt could have on a person with weak heart but could it be worse than occasional alcohol binges?
The point where she tried stop drinking was when she got so ill she had to have a heart valve removed and replaced to be able to survive...
Today she is better but still suffers from hard denial of the damage she has done to people and still has relapses now and then...
We both think aya could help her be honest with her self but my gf is worried about her health and such.
I don´t know what kind of effects harmalas and dmt could have on a person with weak heart but could it be worse than occasional alcohol binges?