Hi! I am glad to see a wonderful website here. One that is not a waste of time and has a majority of scientific and responsible people. I look at some various posts and my interest is peaking more and more!
I have interests in chemistry, botany, (maybe even biochemistry), and human biology. I plan on pursuing a botany related major, and at least furthuring my chemistry knowledge if I do not choose a chemistry related career. Anyway, I see myself having a botany research related career in the future.
My interest in entheogens and psychadelics is extreme. Basically, I cannot wait to grow some beautiful dmt crystals! As I have read from some of you, I am very sure I will enjoy the extraction process and creating a crystal product more than actually ingesting the substance. I cannot(but i really can) wait until I have the right conditions and circumstances and material to find out wlhat dmt will show me for the first time. I have experienced many mushroom trips, the largest amount being 4g of caps only, and my gosh that was amazingly visual. I even experienced ego loss with that shroom experience. Questioning who I was, my eyes watering for no reason. It was amazing and I handled it well. Other substances I have experienced:
-LSD(may have been and acid-like substance. Not sure. All i got was kaleidoscope visuals and there was a finding nemo dvd menu on that had a few stationary-when-sober bubbles. Well, when i started tripping, those bubbles were floating up the screen ever so naturally and looked so natural it looked like that was how the dvd was or should be. Based on those two things I think it was some actual acid, I could be wrong)
-Mushrooms(About 7 times.)
-DXM(1 time. Got to the stage where everything goes by frame by frame. It was very enjoyable.)
-Salvia(4 times. The first time i smoked it it was a 40x extract, ya know the purple sticky stuff, out of a wooden sherlock pipe. As I felt reality slipping away visually and mentally, my body was forced to the wall beside tohe bed i was sitting on. I then started having unusual visuals that were based on what i was looking at beside the tv stand. The main thing was this little statuette that included a red and white striped candy cane. Soon everything I could see was red and white striped and there was a large red and white striped candy cane sticking out of my red and white striped space. The strangest part of this was when this entity(i call it the candy cane entity) peeked out from behind the candy cane at me and walked to the side and it giggled kind of then disappeared back behind the candy cane. This was very intriguing, but all this may have originated from the statuette i was looking at.)
I look forward to hearing any input or questions about my experiences. And for sure I will let you all know how it goes once I am able to experience this DMT mysteryia!
I have interests in chemistry, botany, (maybe even biochemistry), and human biology. I plan on pursuing a botany related major, and at least furthuring my chemistry knowledge if I do not choose a chemistry related career. Anyway, I see myself having a botany research related career in the future.
My interest in entheogens and psychadelics is extreme. Basically, I cannot wait to grow some beautiful dmt crystals! As I have read from some of you, I am very sure I will enjoy the extraction process and creating a crystal product more than actually ingesting the substance. I cannot(but i really can) wait until I have the right conditions and circumstances and material to find out wlhat dmt will show me for the first time. I have experienced many mushroom trips, the largest amount being 4g of caps only, and my gosh that was amazingly visual. I even experienced ego loss with that shroom experience. Questioning who I was, my eyes watering for no reason. It was amazing and I handled it well. Other substances I have experienced:
-LSD(may have been and acid-like substance. Not sure. All i got was kaleidoscope visuals and there was a finding nemo dvd menu on that had a few stationary-when-sober bubbles. Well, when i started tripping, those bubbles were floating up the screen ever so naturally and looked so natural it looked like that was how the dvd was or should be. Based on those two things I think it was some actual acid, I could be wrong)
-Mushrooms(About 7 times.)
-DXM(1 time. Got to the stage where everything goes by frame by frame. It was very enjoyable.)
-Salvia(4 times. The first time i smoked it it was a 40x extract, ya know the purple sticky stuff, out of a wooden sherlock pipe. As I felt reality slipping away visually and mentally, my body was forced to the wall beside tohe bed i was sitting on. I then started having unusual visuals that were based on what i was looking at beside the tv stand. The main thing was this little statuette that included a red and white striped candy cane. Soon everything I could see was red and white striped and there was a large red and white striped candy cane sticking out of my red and white striped space. The strangest part of this was when this entity(i call it the candy cane entity) peeked out from behind the candy cane at me and walked to the side and it giggled kind of then disappeared back behind the candy cane. This was very intriguing, but all this may have originated from the statuette i was looking at.)
I look forward to hearing any input or questions about my experiences. And for sure I will let you all know how it goes once I am able to experience this DMT mysteryia!