Just joined the site, and wanted to say Hi.
I stumbled across this website totally by chance, and it's a happy accident so far.
I intend to read as much as i possibly can, and will try not to ask 'stupid' questions, as i can appreciate how annoying that is, when the information is probably quite easy to find here already.
I have yet to have any kind of DMT experience, but i have dabbled with various other psychodelics during the course of my life, so while i'm a complete newbie where DMT is concerned, i have been around a bit.
I'm not a kid, i'm almost middle aged (depressing isn't it!) and feel it's time to experience more and expand my horizons somewhat.
I became interested in the subject of DMT and it's effects, after watching and being fascinated by a documentary entitled 'DMT - The spirit molecule'..i was spellbound, and knew then that i would be very interested in experiencing what the people featured in the film were experiencing.
Also surprising, was that many high level, professional people were claiming to use DMT for experimental conciousness expanding purposes..frankly, i hadn't expected that University Professors, high profile psychologists and Doctors had not only experimented with using DMT, but their claims of fantastic journey's and felt that what they were experiencing was not only taking place internally, within their minds, but also externally...as if in an alternate dimension!
This i find absolutely incredible, and wish to have similar experiences.
I will try to fit in, and learn without (hopefully) annoying you regulars too much.
I stumbled across this website totally by chance, and it's a happy accident so far.
I intend to read as much as i possibly can, and will try not to ask 'stupid' questions, as i can appreciate how annoying that is, when the information is probably quite easy to find here already.
I have yet to have any kind of DMT experience, but i have dabbled with various other psychodelics during the course of my life, so while i'm a complete newbie where DMT is concerned, i have been around a bit.
I'm not a kid, i'm almost middle aged (depressing isn't it!) and feel it's time to experience more and expand my horizons somewhat.
I became interested in the subject of DMT and it's effects, after watching and being fascinated by a documentary entitled 'DMT - The spirit molecule'..i was spellbound, and knew then that i would be very interested in experiencing what the people featured in the film were experiencing.
Also surprising, was that many high level, professional people were claiming to use DMT for experimental conciousness expanding purposes..frankly, i hadn't expected that University Professors, high profile psychologists and Doctors had not only experimented with using DMT, but their claims of fantastic journey's and felt that what they were experiencing was not only taking place internally, within their minds, but also externally...as if in an alternate dimension!
This i find absolutely incredible, and wish to have similar experiences.
I will try to fit in, and learn without (hopefully) annoying you regulars too much.