Hey JustAnotherHuman!
Thanks for the welcome
I think the floribunda is reported by some to have active phyllodes, but I guess it's hard to know for sure until I try myself. There are so many variables - maturity, season, soil. Anyway I have an optimistic outlook, so I'm just looking forward to having a go.
I guess I first became interested in psychedelics because firstly, I had tried many other substances but never had really hallucinated beyond seeing the odd shadow after being awake for too long or seeing patterns when I closed my eyes after smoking weed and secondly because my sister had told me some fantastic tails of her experiences. She described one particular experience as 'the best day of her life'. I was curious, to say the least.
Initially I treated psychedelics as I did other recreational substances - I did them for fun. But I've realised things about myself which have changed my life since doing them and I now regard them not only as a fun thing to do but also as a tool for self discovery, and getting a different perspective on our existence.
My current view on god is this: I believe that there are things that I will never understand in my life on Earth and one of them is 'God'. I grew up with a christian father and went to church on Sundays, but never really connected with Christianity. I believe there is every possibility that there is a higher power/being but I don't pretend to have any knowledge of it. Some may argue that life can't have purpose or spirituality without this kind of knowledge, but I think our purpose is innate and our spirituality is found by connecting ourselves with our existence whether that be with people, nature, animals etc. and being grateful for them. This is my spiritual practice, if it can be called that, and it brings me to your next question about veganism.
I have always connected with animals strongly, whether they be pets or just animals I've come across for whatever reason. They are sentient beings and I can empathize with them. As a human I can live a healthy life on a plant based diet and as such I decide not to cause the death of a fellow being for something that I see as being unnecessary. I feel it is the right thing to do for me and I feel more at peace with the world and myself for doing so. I made the decision about 2 years ago when I found myself spending time with people who were thinking in this way. I had a leaning in this direction before I became vegan and I think their influence was the final push I needed.
I see you have had some experience with lucid dreaming. It's something I've recently heard about and am interested in. How did you first get started?