Rising Star
Hello Nexus!
I'd like to start off by saying THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!
If it were not for this site, I would still be searching hopelessly for this miracle we call DMT.
When I first heard of DMT, it was from an incredibly fabricated (probably untrue) story
about a guy turning into Turok the Dinosaur hunter and hunting some dinosaurs inside the game!
I was extremely interested none the less and started to do some real research on it.
I spent many hours on many days reading anything I could find.
I found out it was nothing like I heard...It was so much more!
Being a dedicated explorer of the consciousness, this was one I HAD to try ASAP.
Everyone I talked to usually had not heard of it, and definitely had no clue where to find it.
So I kept researching and eventually stumbled upon this site.
And with that my third eye was being pried open in a matter of weeks!
I have a fair amount of psychedelic experience, and some normal drug experience as well including:
DMT, mushrooms, LSD, p.torch tea, MDMA and a variety of research tryptamines and phenethylamines.
As well as some others I do not feel are worth mentioning.
I am a daily cannabis smoker, although I wouldn't mind stopping that soon.
It's negative effects are so slight, I hardly notice the major effects it has on my day-to-day life.
I listen to a wide variety of music, play drums and am really into philosophy.
I love to spend a lot of time in nature, I feel it greatly increases my connection to this planet.
I tend to think a lot about the unknown, and it is one of my favorite topics to discuss.
This has isolated me quite a bit, although I have always preferred solitude to company.
It was likely my choice to seek solitude, I feel more is learned while traveling alone.
(The following is only my own observations, and is not based on fact)
This is not to say company is bad.
However when traveling with for example; 4 others,
this group will commonly process information as a whole instead of 4 individuals.
This means a person would only be contributing a percentage of the total thoughts (s)he has.
The group will be contributing the rest.
When alone, your mind is set free to roam!
I finally joined the Nexus because it is a place I can discuss topics which cannot be discussed in real life.
I love the open minded approach to information here,
and feel my mind will be stimulated greatly from all these debates!
I do not know any single person in real life that has tried DMT, or is willing to try it.
It makes having discussions about alternate universes, alien entities and atomic perceptions quite awkward!:lol:
I apologize if this is too long, and thank anyone who takes the time to read it.
I hope I can give back what you all have given me!
(PS. Sorry if this double posts, when I pressed post it took me to a blank page and I did not see my post appear so I tried again.)
I'd like to start off by saying THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!
If it were not for this site, I would still be searching hopelessly for this miracle we call DMT.
When I first heard of DMT, it was from an incredibly fabricated (probably untrue) story
about a guy turning into Turok the Dinosaur hunter and hunting some dinosaurs inside the game!
I was extremely interested none the less and started to do some real research on it.
I spent many hours on many days reading anything I could find.
I found out it was nothing like I heard...It was so much more!
Being a dedicated explorer of the consciousness, this was one I HAD to try ASAP.
Everyone I talked to usually had not heard of it, and definitely had no clue where to find it.
So I kept researching and eventually stumbled upon this site.
And with that my third eye was being pried open in a matter of weeks!
I have a fair amount of psychedelic experience, and some normal drug experience as well including:
DMT, mushrooms, LSD, p.torch tea, MDMA and a variety of research tryptamines and phenethylamines.
As well as some others I do not feel are worth mentioning.
I am a daily cannabis smoker, although I wouldn't mind stopping that soon.
It's negative effects are so slight, I hardly notice the major effects it has on my day-to-day life.
I listen to a wide variety of music, play drums and am really into philosophy.
I love to spend a lot of time in nature, I feel it greatly increases my connection to this planet.
I tend to think a lot about the unknown, and it is one of my favorite topics to discuss.
This has isolated me quite a bit, although I have always preferred solitude to company.
It was likely my choice to seek solitude, I feel more is learned while traveling alone.
(The following is only my own observations, and is not based on fact)
This is not to say company is bad.
However when traveling with for example; 4 others,
this group will commonly process information as a whole instead of 4 individuals.
This means a person would only be contributing a percentage of the total thoughts (s)he has.
The group will be contributing the rest.
When alone, your mind is set free to roam!
I finally joined the Nexus because it is a place I can discuss topics which cannot be discussed in real life.
I love the open minded approach to information here,
and feel my mind will be stimulated greatly from all these debates!
I do not know any single person in real life that has tried DMT, or is willing to try it.
It makes having discussions about alternate universes, alien entities and atomic perceptions quite awkward!:lol:
I apologize if this is too long, and thank anyone who takes the time to read it.
I hope I can give back what you all have given me!
(PS. Sorry if this double posts, when I pressed post it took me to a blank page and I did not see my post appear so I tried again.)