Hi, before i say anything about myself id like to say how wonderful this site is. Iv'e long been researching entheogens and the info from here has always been very helpful. Today i found out how different from most forums dmt nexus really is. I love that there is attitude and not rules, and that there is a large topic about not selling dmt. This should be a model for society haha.
As for me my names Peter, i live in small town in northern California. I'm full time student (no idea of what im going to major in) and currently unemployed. I like exercising, martial arts, play/listening to music, creating things, just being in nature, reading. One of my favorite things is experimenting with entheogens, i think they are one of the most amazing things nature has giving us, besides life of course, and that they could truly help humanity. So far i have had multiply experiences with a fair amount of the classic psychedelics such as thc, mushrooms, lsd (and once lsa), mescaline and mdma. All of them have been very wonderful and i have learnt a great deal about my mind from then. I also have many interesting experiences with salvia haha.
It wasn't until a few months ago when i really became interested in trying dmt and since then i have been researching all manner of thing about it. Today i was looking for a source for mhrb and i was reading a tread here about obtaining some and decided to join up in in order to aid my search. Now i'm just glad i joined because this seems like a wonderful community to be part of.
Thank you.
As for me my names Peter, i live in small town in northern California. I'm full time student (no idea of what im going to major in) and currently unemployed. I like exercising, martial arts, play/listening to music, creating things, just being in nature, reading. One of my favorite things is experimenting with entheogens, i think they are one of the most amazing things nature has giving us, besides life of course, and that they could truly help humanity. So far i have had multiply experiences with a fair amount of the classic psychedelics such as thc, mushrooms, lsd (and once lsa), mescaline and mdma. All of them have been very wonderful and i have learnt a great deal about my mind from then. I also have many interesting experiences with salvia haha.
It wasn't until a few months ago when i really became interested in trying dmt and since then i have been researching all manner of thing about it. Today i was looking for a source for mhrb and i was reading a tread here about obtaining some and decided to join up in in order to aid my search. Now i'm just glad i joined because this seems like a wonderful community to be part of.
Thank you.