I'm happy to have come across a forum with such knowledgeable, mature and respectful individuals. Before i start off, i want to give thanks to the people who manage this site for keeping it up. . I don't know them yet, but they exist.
I've been doing lots of reading, and finally decided to type something up explaining why I am here. It's strange how some words, thoughts, or urging experiences stick with you for many years. During my 8th grade year, I somehow became aware that there are mushrooms that make you see things differently than you already do. Since then, up until I first tried them, I keep thinking about the mushroom experience and what would it be like. My experience was partially fulfilled year later. Further readings led me to become aware of other natural substances that natives have been using for hundreds of years for religious purposes. Mescaline in the peyote cactus.
I wanted to learn more about substances that were used for religious or healing purposes. Aya's light was then shed on to me. The light has brought me here to learn and hopefully to experience. At the moment, my direction points towards experiencing DMT orally. Only from what i learn internally from this experience will i decide to try different methods of experiencing DMT.
So what do I hope to achieve or learn or experience? Fulfillment. There's an empty space inside that is not in touch with the rest of my self. Perhaps I am too stressed out with daily responsibilities like work, school, athletics. Or maybe, I need to find my spiritual self to feel connected with the nature that surrounds me. What ever it might be, it all comes down to fulfillment. I'm looking, so i am going to keep searching and spiral out.
Where am i now? I have yet to know mescaline and aya have to offer to my soul.
Before i learn from aya, my friend SWIM told me he has prepared an all caapi brew. In the meantime, i am anxious to know what he learns and what he experiences from the caapi.
Again, Thank you to those to help manage this forum.Thank you to those who read this, and thank you community for welcoming me. I hope to stick around for a long time, make excellent friends and share knowledge.
I've been doing lots of reading, and finally decided to type something up explaining why I am here. It's strange how some words, thoughts, or urging experiences stick with you for many years. During my 8th grade year, I somehow became aware that there are mushrooms that make you see things differently than you already do. Since then, up until I first tried them, I keep thinking about the mushroom experience and what would it be like. My experience was partially fulfilled year later. Further readings led me to become aware of other natural substances that natives have been using for hundreds of years for religious purposes. Mescaline in the peyote cactus.
I wanted to learn more about substances that were used for religious or healing purposes. Aya's light was then shed on to me. The light has brought me here to learn and hopefully to experience. At the moment, my direction points towards experiencing DMT orally. Only from what i learn internally from this experience will i decide to try different methods of experiencing DMT.
So what do I hope to achieve or learn or experience? Fulfillment. There's an empty space inside that is not in touch with the rest of my self. Perhaps I am too stressed out with daily responsibilities like work, school, athletics. Or maybe, I need to find my spiritual self to feel connected with the nature that surrounds me. What ever it might be, it all comes down to fulfillment. I'm looking, so i am going to keep searching and spiral out.
Where am i now? I have yet to know mescaline and aya have to offer to my soul.
Before i learn from aya, my friend SWIM told me he has prepared an all caapi brew. In the meantime, i am anxious to know what he learns and what he experiences from the caapi.
Again, Thank you to those to help manage this forum.Thank you to those who read this, and thank you community for welcoming me. I hope to stick around for a long time, make excellent friends and share knowledge.