Rising Star
I managed to acquire some DMT; quite randomly
, this is what happened.
I am in a very comfortable room, lots of positive energy all around really made it a great setting. I was with great friends and was feeling the love..I play Andrew Birds orchestra of the imagination and begin taking giant hits of the DMT out of the pipe, sandwitched in between a bit of herb. It comes on quick and I literally change dimensions. I become aware of a shifting of dimensions and had the feeling to just go with it. There was a knowing to this. After awhile I felt infinity, just raw; pure; For a second I feel apart of everything...all around me it was flowing within and without; Music was heard when needed, it was all so beautiful. I am having a bit of a hard time describing this but I remember it all quite vividly (sort of haha) I talk to my friends and they know as well. When I closed my eyes (did I close my eyes?) there was something like stars all around but I felt the presence of something within the formation of the stars, it was all telepathic. I open my eyes again and converse with my friends again. Our conversation has so much meaning and I feel the love in their presence. I can see what you could call "auras" around them. There was a level of understanding that was so beyond what I could even imagine that I am literally left in awe. My friends and I all have a telepathic moment or two, as the intensity comes down. I made contact with what I believe is the higher self of my friends and is aware even if we are not aware. Once again it was a certain knowing about dimensional shift and made the conscious decision to basically "go back" so to speak and learn all I can. I overcame a lot of fear and I am very grateful for everything, I feel very aware now and once again. Wow.
I am in a very comfortable room, lots of positive energy all around really made it a great setting. I was with great friends and was feeling the love..I play Andrew Birds orchestra of the imagination and begin taking giant hits of the DMT out of the pipe, sandwitched in between a bit of herb. It comes on quick and I literally change dimensions. I become aware of a shifting of dimensions and had the feeling to just go with it. There was a knowing to this. After awhile I felt infinity, just raw; pure; For a second I feel apart of everything...all around me it was flowing within and without; Music was heard when needed, it was all so beautiful. I am having a bit of a hard time describing this but I remember it all quite vividly (sort of haha) I talk to my friends and they know as well. When I closed my eyes (did I close my eyes?) there was something like stars all around but I felt the presence of something within the formation of the stars, it was all telepathic. I open my eyes again and converse with my friends again. Our conversation has so much meaning and I feel the love in their presence. I can see what you could call "auras" around them. There was a level of understanding that was so beyond what I could even imagine that I am literally left in awe. My friends and I all have a telepathic moment or two, as the intensity comes down. I made contact with what I believe is the higher self of my friends and is aware even if we are not aware. Once again it was a certain knowing about dimensional shift and made the conscious decision to basically "go back" so to speak and learn all I can. I overcame a lot of fear and I am very grateful for everything, I feel very aware now and once again. Wow.