Rising Star
Hello! I discovered this website a few years ago and found it to be an amazing source of information, and a great community comprised of a wide spectrum of intelligent and wise members. I have finally decided to become a member as I would like to add and share my knowledge and experiences and hopefully to learn from many of the great minds here! Happy to now be a part of this great community!
I live in the great white north and have my whole life, finding life to be pretty good these days. I enjoy spending time with my family, girlfriend, and friends, hiking, camping, driving, movies, music(Death Metal, Jazz, Psychedelic Rock, some Classical, some Rap/Hip-Hop, and small amounts of electronic music.), keeping Tarantulas is a joy for me as well, and I am trying to grasp playing guitar(coming along slowly but surely :lol: ). I am a welder by trade and enjoy my work and it has enabled me to create a pretty nice life for myself, I've purchased my own house, and went on 3 vacations in a period of 16 months at age 21-22. Going to the city Amsterdam and a Death Metal festival in Northern Germany was a huge highlight! I am proud of myself and my accomplishments.
I really like smoking marijuana, although work drug testing for pre-employment perodically forces me to shut it down. I enjoy psychedelic experiences, and have for quite a few years now. I found the website when I was 14 and read everything I could about psychedelics like Psilocybin Mushrooms and LSD before making the conscious decision years later to try them. I estimate I have used Mushrooms over 100 times from age 16 until about last year(been hard to find the quality I used to have access too in years past) and had nothing but what I believe to be positive, spiritual, life-enhancing experiences. I Tried LSD at minor doses at age 18, and afterwards was unable to find it for sometime. Eventually got my hands of some quality blotter and had many great experiences. What a positive and uplifting substance it is! Just splendid and beautiful!
Now to begin with my experiences with the almighty DMT! I had read about it many, many times for about 5 years on both here and Erowid before it found me. The whole idea of it and its described effects completely fascinated me! I had just never heard of it outside of the internet and it seemed so rare that I almost doubted that I would ever get the chance to experience it. It wasn't until I met a great friend of mine through work in 2011, and somehow we ended up discussing it. I told him it was so rare I would probably never find it anywhere. He then said "you don't find it, it finds you. 1 in 1000 people will be blessed by the spirit molecule". He said he liked how I had researched and seemed to have a theoretical grasp on it(as far as that can go), and offered me around 4-6 doses as a gift. I undoubtedly accepted! I must say it took me almost a month to muster up the courage to smoke some of the aprrox. 200mg of fine golden yellow/orange dust(it was the exact color of the crystals on the front page for DMT). Finally getting the courage I smoked about 40 mg of this DMT, and I was completely blown away. The colorful open eyed visuals were unlike anything I've ever experienced, the sounds, the head space, wow! Just WOW! Its all I could say for about 5 minutes after the experience had ended. It felt so perfect and wholesome and all I could think about was "I had nothing to be afraid of at all, that was everything that was beautiful and wonderful in the universe!" I was beyond impressed by every aspect of DMT. It felt so natural, but it was so utterly mind blowing in ways I never thought were possible! Every other trial afterwards was equally as amazing. I had fallen in love, so to speak!
From then until now I have toyed with the fantasy of extracting my very own, and have decided to eventually make it a reality as I believe that this should not be something purchased with money. The idea of extracting this for oneself is just fascinating! I know yellow/orange spice is not 'pure' DMT, but I had some white fluffy stuff from a friend who did a naptha freeze-precipitation, and I hate to say it but the experience felt almost hollow in a way, like it was missing something. It tasted very harsh as well. I didn't get taken away like I did on the last DMT I had tried. The visuals were nowhere near as impressive, audio effects were non-existant, and I didn't feel like my mind had been teleported into another universe. For the amount I put into the freebase pipe I estimate I got 5x-10x more the effects of the first yellow/orange DMT I tried. My friend was originally going to show me how to use his Tek but I am not interested in this kind. I would love to learn how to make spice similar to what I had before. The yellow/orange DMT had such a luscious golden color to it and had the consistency of fine quartz sand, and left nearly nothing behind on vaporization. Hoping this wonderful community can educate me on ways to achieve my goals. Then one day I would be proud to give back to the Nexus and share my knowledge. I would be forever grateful for help in my quest!
Sorry if this was too long, but I just wanted to elaborate on my experiences with DMT and pscyhedelics in general, and give a description of who I am! Thanks to you all for creating, maintaining, and being a part of this wonderful community and I am proud to say I am a New Member of DMT Nexus!
Thanks to all who take the time to read this and reply!
Best wishes,
I live in the great white north and have my whole life, finding life to be pretty good these days. I enjoy spending time with my family, girlfriend, and friends, hiking, camping, driving, movies, music(Death Metal, Jazz, Psychedelic Rock, some Classical, some Rap/Hip-Hop, and small amounts of electronic music.), keeping Tarantulas is a joy for me as well, and I am trying to grasp playing guitar(coming along slowly but surely :lol: ). I am a welder by trade and enjoy my work and it has enabled me to create a pretty nice life for myself, I've purchased my own house, and went on 3 vacations in a period of 16 months at age 21-22. Going to the city Amsterdam and a Death Metal festival in Northern Germany was a huge highlight! I am proud of myself and my accomplishments.
I really like smoking marijuana, although work drug testing for pre-employment perodically forces me to shut it down. I enjoy psychedelic experiences, and have for quite a few years now. I found the website when I was 14 and read everything I could about psychedelics like Psilocybin Mushrooms and LSD before making the conscious decision years later to try them. I estimate I have used Mushrooms over 100 times from age 16 until about last year(been hard to find the quality I used to have access too in years past) and had nothing but what I believe to be positive, spiritual, life-enhancing experiences. I Tried LSD at minor doses at age 18, and afterwards was unable to find it for sometime. Eventually got my hands of some quality blotter and had many great experiences. What a positive and uplifting substance it is! Just splendid and beautiful!
Now to begin with my experiences with the almighty DMT! I had read about it many, many times for about 5 years on both here and Erowid before it found me. The whole idea of it and its described effects completely fascinated me! I had just never heard of it outside of the internet and it seemed so rare that I almost doubted that I would ever get the chance to experience it. It wasn't until I met a great friend of mine through work in 2011, and somehow we ended up discussing it. I told him it was so rare I would probably never find it anywhere. He then said "you don't find it, it finds you. 1 in 1000 people will be blessed by the spirit molecule". He said he liked how I had researched and seemed to have a theoretical grasp on it(as far as that can go), and offered me around 4-6 doses as a gift. I undoubtedly accepted! I must say it took me almost a month to muster up the courage to smoke some of the aprrox. 200mg of fine golden yellow/orange dust(it was the exact color of the crystals on the front page for DMT). Finally getting the courage I smoked about 40 mg of this DMT, and I was completely blown away. The colorful open eyed visuals were unlike anything I've ever experienced, the sounds, the head space, wow! Just WOW! Its all I could say for about 5 minutes after the experience had ended. It felt so perfect and wholesome and all I could think about was "I had nothing to be afraid of at all, that was everything that was beautiful and wonderful in the universe!" I was beyond impressed by every aspect of DMT. It felt so natural, but it was so utterly mind blowing in ways I never thought were possible! Every other trial afterwards was equally as amazing. I had fallen in love, so to speak!
From then until now I have toyed with the fantasy of extracting my very own, and have decided to eventually make it a reality as I believe that this should not be something purchased with money. The idea of extracting this for oneself is just fascinating! I know yellow/orange spice is not 'pure' DMT, but I had some white fluffy stuff from a friend who did a naptha freeze-precipitation, and I hate to say it but the experience felt almost hollow in a way, like it was missing something. It tasted very harsh as well. I didn't get taken away like I did on the last DMT I had tried. The visuals were nowhere near as impressive, audio effects were non-existant, and I didn't feel like my mind had been teleported into another universe. For the amount I put into the freebase pipe I estimate I got 5x-10x more the effects of the first yellow/orange DMT I tried. My friend was originally going to show me how to use his Tek but I am not interested in this kind. I would love to learn how to make spice similar to what I had before. The yellow/orange DMT had such a luscious golden color to it and had the consistency of fine quartz sand, and left nearly nothing behind on vaporization. Hoping this wonderful community can educate me on ways to achieve my goals. Then one day I would be proud to give back to the Nexus and share my knowledge. I would be forever grateful for help in my quest!
Sorry if this was too long, but I just wanted to elaborate on my experiences with DMT and pscyhedelics in general, and give a description of who I am! Thanks to you all for creating, maintaining, and being a part of this wonderful community and I am proud to say I am a New Member of DMT Nexus!
Thanks to all who take the time to read this and reply!
Best wishes,