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Hello DMT-NEXUS! The Yak is happy to be here!

The Yak

Rising Star
Hi all members and staff I am The Yak i am 44 yrs old and have used various substances over the yrs to explore my own conciousness and also the consciousness of the universe but nothing on this earth or any other for that matter could have prepared me for what i discovered when i took my first hit of spice a week ago! It was like i found the key to all those locked doors i found at the peak of other trips like lsd and psilocybin.Mushrooms have been my favorite tool until now and spice is like psilocybins professor at hallucinogen university!
I have tried numerous substances but was never lucky enough in all my yrs to even know anyone who had tried spice and man have i wanted to find it i even walked around for yrs with a ragged copy of a dmt synthesis i copied word for word from the anarchist cookbook when i was a kid hoping that one day i would learn enough to somehow attempt dreaming about doing the process.

I dont know why it has eluded me for yrs because i'm online more than im not but i have just now learned of the MHRB and extractions and i'm extremely happy with the results thus far.

I dont think ive had a break through yet but it could be i hope not though because what came to me was the most hideous evil entity that could ever be imagined! i swear up and down it was satan himself that's how evil it felt and POWERFUL EVIL poured off it like nothing ive ever felt before EVER! It scared me for a minute until i said to it YOUR NOT EVIL! C'MON BE NICE! out loud and things got a little less evil and he/it split but i could still feel the evil and also felt there was a good presence or presences that were competing for me it felt! it was WEEEEEIIIRDDDDDD! But still i got a message clearly and this was the deal.

Recently i acquired some ww2 memorabilia namely a nazi flag and an ss flag and also a ring.I'm not a nazi but i thought the flags were cool so my friend bought them for me in massachusetts and brought them with him when he came to washington state for a visit.Well the first few times on spice i saw hands giving me the finger and swastikas floating by!!! I saw this two trips in a row and didnt think anything of it as i had just seen swastikas so it was in my mind and the middle finger giving hands i didnt connect with anything but THEN!!

i loaded up around 60-75mg maybe more hoping to break on through to the other side but as it hit me i started seeing the same thing! the hands and swastikas and THEN IT SHOWED UP AND SCARED THE PISS OUTTA ME! WTH? I am surely getting rid of this nazi stuff because if that was a glimpse of my fate and hell or satan I WANT NONE OF THAT NOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!! EVIL EVIL EVILLLLLLL OMG Was it evil!

Anyway i hope to not see that again and really break through but i dont think they want me there what do you guys think is that something that happens like do they guard "the dome"? I want to enter but i dont want to keep trying if they are going to send old evil ass after me again?

Thanks for this website and for letting me become part of this awesome place i hope to absorb as much info as i can and share any knowledge i have with the group!! bbiab time to start preparing for tonights journey :)
Hello The Yak,

Welcome to the Nexus. :D

In the future, maybe break up paragraphs if it feels there's a good point for a break - folks are a bit pedantic about that here. Many read these pages while tripping, LOL.

Always nice to find someone born in the 1960's here, as I was. I enjoyed your intro discussing your long term quest for DMT, even carrying around a hand-cribbed synthesis. It took me a full 23 years between learning about DMT to actually take my first hit. Long term quest, but more than worth a nearly quarter century wait.

Good for you for deciding to get rid of the Nazi memorabilia. Those are hardcore symbols of evil and hatred and go against all the DMT is about imo and I suspect this played out in the contents of your trip.

Again, welcome. Please do not hesitate to post any questions. I look forward to seeing your posts. The chat room is always open. Peace.
I was thinking the same thing after i posted that it looked like a run on sentence from hell hahaha I have adjusted it hopefully making it easier on the fully dilated pupils of the readers ;)

Yeah those flags and stuff are OUTTA here i wasnt really thinking of them as what they symbolized only that they were relics but i have read quite a bit about the holocaust and after reading treblinka i really knew how evil humans can be so i'm glad the DMT opened my eyes a little wider and in a weird way was either showing me how evil those things were or it or "they" were showing me what awaits if i connect myself to that evil in any way!

The feeling i got when that evil presence showed up was beyond fright or horror or any word but PURE EVIL and my opinion is that the things you encounter while on a high dose of dmt aren't just created by your mind these things are real in some other place that dmt allows our soul to reach just for that short glimpse!
thats why most of the time ive heard from everyone who has done some that the aliens are always happy as hell when someone shows up like they have been waiting then they seem like they are in a rush to take you somewhere or show you something and also they seem secretive like they are trying to hide you from any other entity like they got you first so they get to show you whatever it is they have to show you!

I am a little jealous i think because already 2 out of 3 people that i turned on to some have had break throughs on their 1st or 2nd try and i got terrorized by a demon hahahaa actually not funny that was hardcore!!

The staff here will NEVER have any trouble with The Yak i own a site like this but its an international seed collective site for medical marijuana patients where we trade and share cannabis genetics with medical users of cannabis worldwide.One of our seed banks is in czechoslovakia and I have the other one in the PNW here in the states. So i know how to obey rules and how to treat people with respect ;)
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