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Hello DMT veterans

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everybody, I came recently to psychedelics because I looked for any possible help to allow me to improve my lucid dreams rate/duration... which failed but I discovered a new 'world' of inner exploration ;) I ignored everything about the 'drug world' having even never smoked cannabis and I'm probably older than many people here 😉 Salvia was my first psychedelic allie and still my favourite ones. But since I read Rick Strassman book, I can't wait to have the opportunity to travel thru hyperspace. Unfortunatly, it's not that easy to get some mimosa here in france where it is illegal. I already tried an extraction from arundinacea (1 kg !) with no yield at all (I'll post details eventually) I put some hope in Phragmite australis... but I'm surprised that no one can yet offer some serious proof of succes considering how common this reed is (It grows everywhere here)... Anyway I want to thank warmly you guys for the nice posts and teks I already read.
Welcome! I'm new here myself as well :) I'm very interested in your P. arundinacea extraction as SWIM is planning to try it himself too. What non-polar solvent did you use.. did you use an A/B extraction or just a plain base extraction.. did you defat; if so, which defatter did you use? I'm really looking forward to some details, even though SWIY (Someone who is not you) hasn't succeeded in extracting the DMT :)
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