Rising Star
Hello everyone!
One day, in college, one of my good friends told me, "Hey have you ever done mushrooms?" I told him no but I was curious. He told me he had done then before, along with LSD. He told me to go to a website called Erowid and look it up. So I did my research, found guys like Terrence Mckenna and Albert Hoffman. I had found what I had been searching for all my life...From the beginning I was interested in the more spiritual implications of psychedelics and not so much the recreational use. To me it was spirituality I could see, touch, and quantify. Hearing them speak altered states of consciousness was astounding to me. I wanted to experience that for myself. So once I had a confident understanding of what I was about to ingest I ate an eighth of mushrooms and I began my journey down the rabbit hole.
The most memorable moment from the first time I did mushrooms was sitting on the couch tripping so hard that I could swear the couch was sitting in a desert in Arizona on a early morning sunrise. I could see it clear as day and even smell the moisture in the air and freshness of being outside of the city. After that night I was hooked to the psychedelic experience. I started reading about LSD more but never could find it. I had already been listening to TOOL a lot growing up but the lyrics never spoke to me like they did after I did mushrooms and listened to them. This made me wonder even more about the nature of reality and consciousness. What was going to happen to me when I die? Me, not my body. I started to use my extra time to read anything that could shed some light on to this matter. I began to see all the dots connect and I thought the idea of coincidence is used entirely to much to explain the unexplainable. After doing mushrooms for some time and lots of cannabis use I got the opportunity to use LSD at a TOOL concert of all places. Let me just say that was the most intense psychedelic experience of my life! I was so gone I felt I no longer had a body....By the end I was in tears of happiness
. I started looking into Alex Grey and this inevitably led my to DMT. The I read as much as I could about it. I read the Spirit Molecule and loved the possible implications of it. I finally got my first opportunity to do it. :shock: It all happened so fast but I remember thinking I'm home...this is what I had been searching for all my life. I felt the One and I was the one. I didn't have any concept of time. I was no longer on Earth, but had been catapulted into another dimension. I knew that this was the way it is and this is the way it will always be. I had every answer to every question, without even knowing what those questions were all at ONCE!
Since then I have gone on to even try Iboga which was nowhere near as "nice" as DMT is. Strap yourself in for that one if you are ever so brave enough to do it. I then got into extracting DMT for my personal use. I'm most familiar with Vovin's TEK and have now started to get into salting. I've had friends ask about it and I encourage them to read as much as they can about it and talk a long time with them before I even offer them it. DMT is a big part of my life for a number of reasons. I could go on but I think we all know what it can do for us as we are all here converging on the same ideas. Its made me more open to things that I never would have thought possible. I find more answers to life's mysteries in the spiritual side of psychedelics than I have ever in any other part of society. Its helped me to see the bigger picture and the true interconnectedness of us all. I can honestly say I no longer fear death having done DMT and I cherish each day as if its my last. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I look forward to interacting with you all on our journey to understanding who we are and what reality truly is!
One day, in college, one of my good friends told me, "Hey have you ever done mushrooms?" I told him no but I was curious. He told me he had done then before, along with LSD. He told me to go to a website called Erowid and look it up. So I did my research, found guys like Terrence Mckenna and Albert Hoffman. I had found what I had been searching for all my life...From the beginning I was interested in the more spiritual implications of psychedelics and not so much the recreational use. To me it was spirituality I could see, touch, and quantify. Hearing them speak altered states of consciousness was astounding to me. I wanted to experience that for myself. So once I had a confident understanding of what I was about to ingest I ate an eighth of mushrooms and I began my journey down the rabbit hole.
The most memorable moment from the first time I did mushrooms was sitting on the couch tripping so hard that I could swear the couch was sitting in a desert in Arizona on a early morning sunrise. I could see it clear as day and even smell the moisture in the air and freshness of being outside of the city. After that night I was hooked to the psychedelic experience. I started reading about LSD more but never could find it. I had already been listening to TOOL a lot growing up but the lyrics never spoke to me like they did after I did mushrooms and listened to them. This made me wonder even more about the nature of reality and consciousness. What was going to happen to me when I die? Me, not my body. I started to use my extra time to read anything that could shed some light on to this matter. I began to see all the dots connect and I thought the idea of coincidence is used entirely to much to explain the unexplainable. After doing mushrooms for some time and lots of cannabis use I got the opportunity to use LSD at a TOOL concert of all places. Let me just say that was the most intense psychedelic experience of my life! I was so gone I felt I no longer had a body....By the end I was in tears of happiness
Since then I have gone on to even try Iboga which was nowhere near as "nice" as DMT is. Strap yourself in for that one if you are ever so brave enough to do it. I then got into extracting DMT for my personal use. I'm most familiar with Vovin's TEK and have now started to get into salting. I've had friends ask about it and I encourage them to read as much as they can about it and talk a long time with them before I even offer them it. DMT is a big part of my life for a number of reasons. I could go on but I think we all know what it can do for us as we are all here converging on the same ideas. Its made me more open to things that I never would have thought possible. I find more answers to life's mysteries in the spiritual side of psychedelics than I have ever in any other part of society. Its helped me to see the bigger picture and the true interconnectedness of us all. I can honestly say I no longer fear death having done DMT and I cherish each day as if its my last. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I look forward to interacting with you all on our journey to understanding who we are and what reality truly is!