Reading Nexus for about six months already, using it mainly as a source of knowledge for my personal experiments. At some point found myself in need to post a question here and realized I can't do this. Fine, going to make first step in direction of getting posting access here - write something about myself. I was not commenting on posts yet as I didn't find myself experienced enough to guide others in areas covered here. Did several extractions over last 3-4 months, did tens of trips with breakthroughs and without. Funny, but I feel my life changing (was stuck a bit after all), becoming more spiritual, if I can say that, more worried about my and others well-being, more opened to others. Started to meditate and understood nature of stress and all what's connected. It could seem little for experienced folks, but not for me
All fine, but my extractions are becoming weak, and my trips are less efficient. At some point I've build some kind of fear against spice, worked it out a bit but still, it's here, sitting inside me. Maybe I should take a brake, maybe I'm rushing too fast. In any case, I'm going to continue exploring this world. Thanks to spice and all those who are sharing their knowledge about it