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Hello Everyone..


Rising Star
I don't really know what to say but, I haven't told anyone about me trying DMT (Except my friend S who was there and the provider)..I smoked it for the first time about 2 weeks ago and nothing feels the same anymore. I don't know what my purpose is anymore, I feel like everything is wasted, my ideas of reality and family and friends and even my own girlfriend. It all seems so pointless, like there's something greater out there, and I'm just wasting my time trying to go through college or succeed in the things I try or this thing we call "Life". I don't know what I'm trying to say, just nothing seems real and I feel after trying this I don't know what to think of reality. I never knew I could see things, such real and amazing things. I can't remember exactly what I saw but it was..so..beautiful and amazing. I'm just really confused and I want someone to talk to about it I guess. =/ And even through all of this, the DMT experience I had was one of the most sacred things I've ever gone through in my life, and I will be sure to try it again but for now..I feel as though I need someone to speak to about it, I don't really have anyone that will be able to relate to the immense amount of emotions that I feel right now in regards to friends and family but, I am still greatly affected even though it's been quite a while since I tried it..I found this website in hopes that maybe you guys could help me clear my thoughts and think right. I'm mentally strong enough for this bare in mind just..Thing's are so new and amazing now and it was kind of like the secret of the universe was being told to me in a mere 15 minutes, and my feeble mind just couldn't grasp or understand it. Thank You for taking the time to read this. Sorry If I'm not making sense..my thoughts are quite scattered at this point.
Sorry you're having a hard time. It might be helpful to think that the world hasn't changed, only your perception of it. As far as purpose, just imagine that billions of years ago at the dawn of the universe, the Big Bang set into motion events of incomprehensible scale that have saw the birth and death of stars, galaxies, and civilizations. Even then, during the Big Bang, it was destined that this forum conversation would happen. If you feel disconnected with reality, then take a step back and revel in how gloriously interconnected everything is. And if for whatever reason you aren't able to integrate your post-DMT feelings then a therapist would be a great step towards clearing things up and reconciling your life with your new thoughts. Best of luck.
Thank you Touche Guevara for your insight..=) I'm quite afraid that I kind of put it in a wrong way, this isn't exactly a depression you see, I feel..enlightened, like everything I've ever known is just made up. This fabric of society and what we are supposed to be and know. And ever since I've done DMT I feel like the secrets to the universe have been shown to me..like all of the unknown is now within reach, and nothing is impossible...so I'm pondering life and myself as a being..that's a better way to put it. It was the most intense and beautiful experience of my life. I just haven't had anyone to speak with about it so I've felt almost..isolated. As if when I'm walking down the street and I see all these people..they don't really know anything at all. And neither did I..am I making sense?
SWIM had this as well... don't worry, it passes over time, the experience will always be there and yes, you cant really look at things the same again... but this is due to learning a lot quickly, and it'll take a while to digest it... don't get carried away, SWIM spent a few months pondering it and is nowhere near closer to explaining it, but yeah, it's really odd that people don't know about it, because when it happened to SWIM he didn't even know it was possible to do that.... it was really shocking, but SWIM doesn't know what it was or how to explain it, SWIM can tell you that it should come as no surprise that the universe is amazing, I think the big surprise is that you actually get to see some of it and that it's to some extent a real phenomenon. It's the most fascinating thing SWIM ever did, but boards like this are good for discussing and reading about it.. there's tonnes of literature to go through :)... dont go round talking to people who haven't tried it, they may look and treat you a bit crazy :), just be smug...
Why do feel religious people so much sense in life on earth? Because they believe in something greater.
Why do you feel that everything is senseless even though you experienced the sacred?
Because you are surprised, you did not take the time to read scriptures, trying to integrate religious teachings...you've experienced it yourself...wether you call it religious or not. That's always harder to digest.

They told my friend that we all should be grateful for this 3D experience we are having. It's something special, we need to be reminded of that. There's nothing to worry about. We are human beeings and our mission in life is transofrmation. To change ourselves and others....this is what you've done. It has changed you and it will change the course of your life...you should await the future with great anticipation.
Obli I myself am a devout christian and a lover of god..but this...this is something entirely different, I couldn't even try to start to explain it if I wanted to, I can't exactly remember everything I saw but, it was the most beautiful thing and the most terrifying experience of my life. It's changed my sense of things..and yeah lbeing789 I was thinking about trying to tell my girlfriend but..she'd think I was crazy..the things I saw..just thinking of it now brings me to tears. Such an amazing experience I am truely at a loss for words at this point..Thank you everyone for your input, It's just been very odd the past week or so. Things seem out of place but I'm adjusting, I just feel like I know the truth about the universe now, that there's more to "life" than well..the "life" I once knew.
It would be nice to know more about your experience and the questions it brought up.

After my first deep experience with LSD, I was completely perplexed at the fact that the rest of the people around me knows absolutely NOTHING about what I experienced. I simply couldn't grasp how could it be that this thing is not "proclaimed from the rooftops". It seemed unbelievable that this stuff is hidden, that it could remain (and still is) a secret in our western society.

If you've really jumped into the rabbit hole and seen the depth of it, right down to the core or God, then - I'm sorry to say :) - you won't be able to get rid of this vision, this connection for your entire life. The memories of perfection will haunt you and force you to constantly think about how to reform your life so that it gets into perfect alignment with the "cosmic order".

This may be the beginning of the spiritual path.

I hope you'll find your way. I'm still looking for mine.
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