Egzoset said:
Hi Endlessness,
As far as i can tell the "Nursery" is a place where newcomers are left to stagnate for too long, it has nothing to do with some form of moderatorship meant to garantee sanity on this site. In my opinion, the nursery's purpose seems dangerously close to ideology imposition: play the game or leave it because it's been decided that the people's own attitude & background are unsuitable, improper, insufficient... In short, the nursery ensures that the candidates will remember they're not fit to talk to the elite long after they get upgraded, should they ever happen to make it.
Thanks for the feedback. I would like to ask you to specificy a bit more what you mean, though. We're all humans and are trying very hard to keep this community running as smoothly as possible. We may make mistakes and need the feedback of other members to help us with that, but so far your post sounded more of an accusative tone than a constructive criticism one. So I ask you to be clearer with what you mean.
Every community and every human relationship has a set of rules, whether they are explicit or implicit. This place is no difference, we have our attitude section and we want people to respect it. There's plenty of other psychedelic-related forums out there. We rather not fall into the problematic behavior (in our opinion) that we see around such as immature posts ("yo dude fuck that shit, yo momma, lets smoke some deemz"), or people being disrespectful to others, confrontational, or posting things that can have negative consequences (such as dangerous suggestions, etc).
But nobody is telling you what to think or say, inside this framework. If you respect the attitude but yet think very differently than others and calmly express yourself and justify your opinions, this is perfectly fine! In fact diversity in thoughts can be great. So I dont understand when you say that 'people's backgrounds' were unsuitable? Nobody here was ever suspended or put for longer in the nursery because of their background. Its only about respecting the attitude
Regarding the nursery, as Eluna said, was created to maintain the nexus' quality. Before, lets say there were 10 regular posters and then once in a while came someone new. This new person would quickly realize how the other 10 were talking to each other with nice quality posts and respectful attitude, so very quickly people would learn. Now lets say there's 20 regular older posters, and then 40 new people come in, a few of which may have very bad attitude (or trolls. Did you know we even had trolls really threatening members?). It becomes harder to maintain it working because the bad attitude overpowers the quality that has characterized the nexus. So the nursery works because it keeps badly intended people away from flooding the forum. The reasonable people ALL get promoted, sooner or later. Sometimes it may take longer because there's an ever-growing number of new users and there's a limited number of mods. We have also established ways that other non-mod members can recommend new members for posting so it helps that its not only our decision but the community keeps their watch on the nursery too. If you have a better solution that can take care of the inflood of people who have bad attitude, are badly intended or just keep asking the same old questions without doing minimal research, please go ahead and tell us!
By the way, if I may say another great advantage of the nursery I find is that it has allowed for a close iniciation, which is of course very fitting given we are talking about substances who's iniciation is a very important process. So now a member doesnt just suddenly pop in as if nothing had happened but there's an introduction, and people can have a close relationship. I must say I have often enough looked at someone's introduction essay much after they were promoted, just because its nice to see where one is talking from, to see one's developments.
Lastly, what is this 'elite' you are talking about? The mods? All normal members? I would love it if you were more specific and cited examples of behaviors you think are negative. Personally I couldnt care less if someone has X amounts of posts, the quality of one's posting speaks for itself. I know there are several new members I am very eager to read every message of, while there may be older members who's posts maybe dont call as much my attention. I would think that most nexus people feel the same way. You must have noticed how active the nursery is and how many older members post there, help others out. What do you mean that people 'are not fit to talk to the elite even if they are promoted'? Again this doesnt make much sense to me, being promoted means you can talk everywhere on the forum, not being promoted means you are in the nursery. But appart from that there should be no difference, no 'elite divisions', posts speak for themselves, good posts are good posts and you dont have to be an expert in a certain subject (like, say, chemistry) to post interesting things. We're all experts and we're all noobs in one thing or another.
Also its a misconception that people cant ask any questions and that its all answered. But people have to do a minimum amount of research. Just look at the nursery posts and how many interesting questions and discussions there are. What we cant do, though, is spoonfeed people answers that a 2-seconds search could also answer. If people make a minimum research (as in FAQ, WIKI and take a look at a few different teks, read the forums for a few days), there will still be plenty of good questions to be asked but the basic stuff will be understood. Accusing us of not wanting to help people or not answering questions really doesnt fit in, considering the path of this community since it started few years ago and all thats been done and being done.
As I said before, if you have some specific behavior you feel is negative, point it out, reason calmly why you feel so. We're all open to suggestions and changes, we need to always keep evolving, as individuals and as a community. Make it constructive, though, just accusing too broadly offering no solution wont really help in any way and it could eventually lead to negative unconstructive answers too (hopefully not).
Sorry for derailing the thread, OP. So:
BerryRight said:
Thank u you, endlessness, for the time time you took for me and give me some very good information, some things i didn't thought about so well.
Awesome, glad to be of help. If there's anything more you need some feedback on, do ask. And stick around, dont dissapear from the community

See you around