endlessness said:
Welcome to the Nexus!
Would you like to share what happened in Burning Man that moved you so much?
Also, from your introduction it isnt clear, did you try DMT/other psychedelics yet? If so, how was that?
Yeah, I would love to! Before attending BM in '09, I would have considered myself completely atheistic. I had no connection with the spiritual reality, or even realized that one had existed. As soon as I arrived, you could literally feel the energy emanating around the area and from the people. After talking to lots of people about it, and experiencing the energy for myself through yoga and meditation out there, I knew it was real. Since then, I've done lots of research into spirituality as well as lots of experiments.
Ive tried DMT probably close to 30 times now, all with amazing results. To keep it brief I'll give you guys a run down of what I considered my most life-changing break through. I used approx 50mg, loaded on top of a cashed bowl attached to a bong. I got myself set up in a nice comfortable chair, put on some headphones with a list of my favorite tracks and meditated before hand. During meditation, I tried to imagine the music I was listening to in shapes and colors and manifest its creativity. After about 20 minutes of this, I decided I was ready for my journey. I turned off all the lights and slowly melted the D into the largest hit I could manage. I tried holding it in as long as I could, but before I even exhaled I was already feeling intense effects. I slowly let the vapor escape through my nostrils as visuals began forming. Initially, it seemed as if a net made of purple was lowering around me and engulfing me. From there, I was sucked into what seemed like a wormhole of flashing colors and light. I could feel the energy reverberating throughout my body even though I felt completely paralyzed.
After what seemed like an eternity of traveling, I arrived in what appeared to be space and was greeted by several glowing orbs who claimed to be the creators. They began showing me around this environment, and allowed me to witness them creating stars and planets. The orbs would all group together in a triangular shape and began emitting what looked like feathery waves of light. When they did this they formed various objects between them with their light, slowly building them up using their own power. At this point all I felt I could do, and all that they wanted me to do was watch, not think about anything I was seeing. Just absorb what I was seeing directly.
From there, they told me to follow them and it seemed as if we went into another wormhole type internment. Upon arrival, they let me know this was our final destination and for me to think. I could literally see myself from a third person view, but the strangest part was that it was not my physical body I see everyday, but my spiritual body. This body had human like forms, and shapes, but no human like qualities. It seemed to be made of a once again, purple glowing mesh. This mesh seemed to stretch across the form, creating what almost looked like the vascular system but out of glowing purple. In the center of my body, there was a bright glowing purple sphere emanating lots of light. While in this state of thinking, I felt as if my thoughts had never been more clear. I felt like I could accept things for what they really were, and think without disruption. Slowly, the trip began to fade and I returned to reality with a feeling of everything being right.
After becoming sober again, I thought a lot about what I saw and the conclusion I came to is that I definitely saw my spirit self and my spirit color is purple. What this means I am still not exactly sure but I felt like I had witnessed the part of the creation of the universe, and this feeling was and still is extremely strong.
I've had some other very deep experiences, but that one still stands out to me as the deepest. If you guys would like to hear anymore, just let me know and I would be more then willing to share them. Also, if you guys have had any similar experiences as this I would love to hear them!!