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Hello I need some help, if yall would be so kind.


Rising Star
First of I'm new here so I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place but, can some one point me to or give me instructions on how to clean my DMT, my first time ever extracting with sodium (hydroxide) EDIT and naptha and I think it came out great. (opinions?) How ever it seems a bit of the plant material came threw and I didn't notice until it had been in the freezer so I need to know of a way I can clean the end result again so I can remove any impurities. I have access to acetone and 99% IPA but not the naptha anymore so can some one give me a step by step or point me to where i can find one, the brown spot in the top right is what I'm referring to and though its small there its worse at the bottom of the jar so if possible id like to remove that from the whole batch.
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You can use heptane to clean it. Look up nomans tek. At the bottom of it there is notes on how to rewash it. Have done it before and it worked but you will loose product, so be prepared
You can use heptane to clean it. Look up nomans tek. At the bottom of it there is notes on how to rewash it. Have done it before and it worked but you will loose product, so be prepared
cant get heptane where I'm at that's why i said i only have access to IPA and acetone, is there a method for one of those
Hello and welcome.
cant get heptane where I'm at that's why i said i only have access to IPA and acetone, is there a method for one of those
Both of those will also dissolve some of the plant material. Are you sure you can't get hold of something like brake cleaning fluid?

With a better idea of your general location, I'd likely be able to help point you in the right direction.

At a push, you might be able to wash an acetone or IPA solution of your material with saturated sodium carbonate solution. These solvents will two separate phases in the presence of high saline strength, but this is not as perfect a separation as that of naphtha and water - there will be water in the acetone phase and acetone in the aqueous phase. This latter point will contribute to yield losses.
extracting with sodium bicarbonate and naptha
Sodium bicarbonate? Did you perhaps convert it to sodium carbonate before combining it with the plant material? I'd be very interested in seeing a description of your extraction process. I'll make a guess that you at least treated your plant material with an acid before adding the base and the naphtha. And, judging by the appearance of the contaminant, that plant material was MHRB.
Hello and welcome.

Both of those will also dissolve some of the plant material. Are you sure you can't get hold of something like brake cleaning fluid?

With a better idea of your general location, I'd likely be able to help point you in the right direction.

At a push, you might be able to wash an acetone or IPA solution of your material with saturated sodium carbonate solution. These solvents will two separate phases in the presence of high saline strength, but this is not as perfect a separation as that of naphtha and water - there will be water in the acetone phase and acetone in the aqueous phase. This latter point will contribute to yield losses.

Sodium bicarbonate? Did you perhaps convert it to sodium carbonate before combining it with the plant material? I'd be very interested in seeing a description of your extraction process. I'll make a guess that you at least treated your plant material with an acid before adding the base and the naphtha. And, judging by the appearance of the contaminant, that plant material was MHRB.
oh i misspoke it was pure lye 99%, water, naptha and MHRB, sorry but I'm unwilling to give you a location for what I would consider obvious concerns, but as I understand it I might be able to use the semi used naptha to do a second cleaning? as I only conducted two pulls (don't need a lot) and its not super dirty. would this be a good way to go about it. also does the resulting material look right/good to you?

The video I followed for reference as to the set up -
oh i misspoke it was pure lye 99%, water, naptha and MHRB, sorry but I'm unwilling to give you a location for what I would consider obvious concerns, but as I understand it I might be able to use the semi used naptha to do a second cleaning? as I only conducted two pulls (don't need a lot) and its not super dirty, would this be a good way to go about it. also does the resulting material look right/good to you?
If you still have the used naphtha it will be straightforward enough to wash it quickly with sodium carbonate solution, then dissolve the contaminated product in it again and wash with more SC solution before repeating the freeze precipitation. This will be more reliable than fiddling around with water-miscible solvents like IPA or acetone in this instance.

You may as well do a couple more pulls from the base soup first, if you still have it.
If you still have the used naphtha it will be straightforward enough to wash it quickly with sodium carbonate solution, then dissolve the contaminated product in it again and wash with more SC solution before repeating the freeze precipitation. This will be more reliable than fiddling around with water-miscible solvents like IPA or acetone in this instance.

You may as well do a couple more pulls from the base soup first, if you still have it.
Can you explain how to wash the naptha with sodium carbonate? and yeah I might do a few more pulls. also in your opinion does this current consistency of the dmt look correct? a lot of them are yellow or orange i know it can sometimes be white but i just need to know if in your opinion does it look correct at least?
ALSO! your timely answers are amazing thank you so much!
Your DMT looks fine, apart from the obvious base soup contamination. To avoid this in future, follow the advice given here:
Besides allowing your pulls to settle in a jug before transferring them to the crystallisation dish, one simple trick is to include a bit of water, brine or sodium carbonate solution in the settling jug. This will help catch stray droplets of lye solution as the naphtha lands in the jug. The water can then be pipetted off before completing the transfer to the freezer - in practice, I've found decanting away from another liquid to be difficult if you don't have a vessel of exactly the right shape.
Washing the naphtha could consist of a very similar process. Dissolve SC in [distilled] water until no more dissolves, filter off from undissolved solids, pour naphtha into jug with SC solution, give it a good stir, separate the aqueous phase from the naphtha.
The crystals are quite small. Using slow cooling will help to produce larger crystals. Wrap your jar in some kind of insulating material, and place it in the fridge for a while before transferring it to the freezer.
ALSO! your timely answers are amazing thank you so much!
You're welcome, and also lucky that I happen to be around at the moment 😁
And boom all my questions answered!!! your a gentleman and a scholar sir thank you! ill post the end result in a few days when its all done! the slow cool tip is great ill definitely try this as well! and I'm glad you were around to day!! this is very important to me being a Vet with PTSD and a child hood in Orphanage the need to better my mental health is very important to me so thank you again truly.
Your DMT looks fine, apart from the obvious base soup contamination. To avoid this in future, follow the advice given here:

Washing the naphtha could consist of a very similar process. Dissolve SC in [distilled] water until no more dissolves, filter off from undissolved solids, pour naphtha into jug with SC solution, give it a good stir, separate the aqueous phase from the naphtha.
The crystals are quite small. Using slow cooling will help to produce larger crystals. Wrap your jar in some kind of insulating material, and place it in the fridge for a while before transferring it to the freezer.

You're welcome, and also lucky that I happen to be around at the moment
And boom all my questions answered!!! your a gentleman and a scholar sir thank you! ill post the end result in a few days when its all done! the slow cool tip is great ill definitely try this as well! and I'm glad you were around to day!! this is very important to me being a Vet with PTSD and a child hood in Orphanage the need to better my mental health is very important to me so thank you again truly.
Best of luck with the cleanup and extra pulls. I'm looking forward to seeing some nice crystals 🤤

Come and say hello to some of the fine folks in the Chat sometime - although I only drop in there occasionally. (Too busy this side of the fence!)
Best of luck with the cleanup and extra pulls. I'm looking forward to seeing some nice crystals 🤤

Come and say hello to some of the fine folks in the Chat sometime - although I only drop in there occasionally. (Too busy this side of the fence!)
I will thank you, ill pop in when I'm done and get to show off my big crystals thank to you!
Best of luck with the cleanup and extra pulls. I'm looking forward to seeing some nice crystals 🤤

Come and say hello to some of the fine folks in the Chat sometime - although I only drop in there occasionally. (Too busy this side of the fence!)
hey last question I just thought about asking. is there any lye coming threw with the naptha ? or does it not come with it? and if it does will it be in the end material or no?
hey last question I just thought about asking. is there any lye coming threw with the naptha ? or does it not come with it? and if it does will it be in the end material or no?
Sometimes a small amount of tiny droplets may get dispersed into the naphtha, although opinions are somewhat divided on this point, but the SC wash (in the jug) is so easy that you may as well do it if you have even the slightest concerns.
Sometimes a small amount of tiny droplets may get dispersed into the naphtha, although opinions are somewhat divided on this point, but the SC wash (in the jug) is so easy that you may as well do it if you have even the slightest concerns.
Hello again, I'm doing the SC cleaning for the naptha, I've converted baking soda into SC and have put the naptha threw 2 cycles of the cleaning process and it isn't any cleaner, the top layer (Naptha) is still yellow and the bottom (SC) just gets weird and cloudy? and i doing it wrong?
Hello again, I'm doing the SC cleaning for the naptha, I've converted baking soda into SC and have put the naptha threw 2 cycles of the cleaning process and it isn't any cleaner, the top layer (Naptha) is still yellow and the bottom (SC) just gets weird and cloudy? and i doing it wrong?
Don't worry about the yellow colour, it usually (but not always) looks like that. Ditto the appearance of the SC solution.
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