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☼ Hello im new to Nexus ☼

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hello the sticky note at the top of this form suggested that i introduce myself here - although im not much of a wrighter i'll share a bit about myself and my thoughts

hello my name is _________ and im from the east side of the mississippi river :) im a guy somewhere around 28 years of age and i was first turned onto dmt back in 2008 by an old friend. Boy did that open my eyes of what true friendship and spiritualism really is not to mention the quest knoledge that goes hand and hand with your glasswear and subconceous mind.

To me the quest of hyperspace is more than being mentally destroyed by some beings that are far more powerfull than you could immagine. But its more of a selfless quest to become one with the being of hyperspace. Immagine this journey as a road or a street if you will each turn you make will determine how deep you will get into hyperspace. This road can take you FAR beyond the usual preception of what hyperspace really is.

The truth is that most of us begin our journey to hyperspace by finding this lonley road which seems to lead to nowhere. But as we forge this road deeper and deeper past nowhere it begins to open up new paths. So for myself i took a path of discovery and learned more about how the processes of extraction works with great satisfaction and pride in myself once i finally got to the point that i was wanting to try my first extraction.

Upon my first extraction attempt i was very disappointed that i just blew a lot of cash on this experiment and fumbled hard. So i found a path that would teach me the importance of patience and persistance. The end of this path was my first physical reward of what looked to be crushed ice in the bottom of a baking dish. I started smoking many times a month i unlocked the next path to hyperspace.

This led me to a path of discovering myself it was a very harsh road and it unlocked many unpleasurable things i didnt know about myself. It showed me how much i am needed by my friends and family and how much they enjoy their time with me. But more importantly it showed me how unappreciative i am of what they offer me. Sad road for someone who thought he had his life refined to the point of perfection. But i also found that i need to spend more time with my friends and family because they need me as much as i need them. I also found that life is about more than oneself its about spending time and creating memories with those who love and care for you. Then the road split.

Now im spending more time with friends and family and dmt was completely eliminated from my life for over a year. Then while sitting on the floor with 4 of my closest friends puffing on something stinky and green we all got on the subject of psychos and dmt was brought up durring this time. Being the only one at the pipe having tried it i explained what it was like and as you would know it they all wanted to try it but there was none to be found. Couple months later i thought that i would whip up a small batch as a taste test surprise for them seeing as how we had a birthday arriving in the group.

Sitting at that same old green and blue hookaha talking shit about how our days went and enjoying the birthday smoke i pulled out a small vial containing magic crystals and reminded them about our dialogue pretaining to dmt. Most having remembered the discussion and excited to try it we loaded the bowl with about half an inch of mint leaves topped by some spice and capped off with more mint leaves. We all grabed our tube and smoked away. A minute later we were all laying on the floor unable to sit up. I immagine that we each probly got a mild 20-30mg dose but as we were all laying there laughing and trippin i realized at this time, and only at this time that true hyperspace is not about how much you smoke or how hard you trip reaching true hyperspace is about who you share the experience with.

well i didnt mean for that to be so long but that is a little about myself and my feelings reguarding spice
welcome to the nexus Caravel,

thanks for the intro. I find it interesting that you mention how smoking with others is what really counts. Personally my gut feeling is usually to do it alone. In that sense the only ones I share the experience with are the ethereal beings that surround us unseen and unfelt most of the time. But I suppose there are as many paths through the multidimensional space we term hyperspace, or through life in general, leading to internal and external progress on all levels and all fronts... if that is what we aim for.

I am currently reading a book that in some way involves travelling, stating that we are all travellers ... but what do we travel for? In search of regaining our inner kingdom, in search of growth and evolution, in search of the divine, in search of answers for questions that can't be phrased or voiced, in search for love, in search for a feeling, in search of companionship, friendship, inter-subjective evolution, communication... yes. I travel for these reasons, through hyperspaces and outer spaces and inner spaces... I suppose we all do... And yet dmt and sharing the experience with others, especially in the smoked version seems strange to me. How do you even relate to others during it?

Hello there Caravel, welcome aboard! I wish I could share DMT more, but alas not many of my friends are ready to experience the Spice just yet. How ever it is always there for those that want to sample a taste of the other side, sharing DMT always gives me great pleasure :d
i realized at this time, and only at this time that true hyperspace is not about how much you smoke or how hard you trip reaching true hyperspace is about who you share the experience with.

Not necessarly group vaping, but also to share what we learn. It's a force of consciousness and it does not only want to open us up for it, but also others through us. The things we learn do not have to be verbalized, written down..put into dogma. It is more like giving others the feeling that you know, so they can know.

Welcome to the nexus.
Hmmm... interesting.

I suppose if you're not concerned about the loss and inefficiency of such a device (long tubes and pathways for precious spice to condense on), or the difficulty in getting the dose dialed in... that could be a lot of fun. 4 people vaping off the same rocks at the same time with the same instrument. Yeah, I could imagine that that might tie the trips together.

Everyone and everything in your environment contributes to the spice flash anyway. From the artwork on the wall to texture of your seat...

Thanks for sharing, and welcome home.
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