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Hello Nexus Family.

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It's Showtime.
Hello Fellow Travellers,

I am traveller myself, I’ve been on this journey of BODY,MIND & SPIRIT for about 8 years. Coming across this website that educates people on different psychedelics I thought “How can you not want to be a part of this?” I am also here to learn, I have a lot to learn and I am willing to learn/help/educate.

A little about me; I am 25 years old from Australia(VIC,MEL). I was brought up in Serbia, moved to Australia when I was 7 and have never believed in or followed a religion. I have always known that there is something more out there than what we are made to believe by misguided individuals. I surround myself with open minded people, art, music and the creation of art and music. I am searching for answers- Are we alone? Why are we here? Who? What? When? My journey began with Marijuana and at first it was a "hey dude, lets smoke some weed and blah blah". I didn’t really understand its true purpose, but noticing my life change for the better with the help of marijuana, it opened my eyes to endless possibilities. I started researching the plant to get more familiar with it, understand it and respect it. It is true what they say it's definitely a Gateway Herb.

My research led me to more information about other psychedelics out there and I asked friends who are also on the same path, if they have ever heard of LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide). I was uneducated about LSD but had heard great stories about it. So like Marijuana, research was in order and I took time to watch videos, read endless reports about it and people's trips and swapped information with friends. By this time Me and My Closest Friends had tripped about 5 or 6 times on a 100-300 mic dose of LSD but not experienced those amazing stories we had heard. So we decided to up the dosage, again researching this and that and waiting for a few months to try again. This time a 1200mic dosage did the trick. At first it was overwhelming, but it was exactly what I was searching for, not at the time, at the time I was thinking "OH MY GOD, WOW". After this trip, I gained a sheer amount of respect for it and began appreciating life, earth, people, animals, nature, but most of all my friends, my family, my life.

This is why I am here now; to educate myself and to understand DMT. Although I know you can never really be ready for what it has in store, I am willing to take the journey of extracting it myself. I’ve done a lot of research on DMT and I believe if I take the time to show it the respect it deserves, it will find me.

Please feel free to ask any questions about me or pass any knowledge my way, thank you for reading My Introduction To DMT-NEXUS.

WELCOME MetalMunkie, yeah this place is totally awesome. do you have access to wild acacia for dmt considering you luckily live in australia?
I agree this place is totally awesome. I am not sure if i have access to it around my area. I read that Black wattle, Floribunda and other plants are growing around Victoria. Also not sure what they look like, pictures on the internet can be deceiving.
Welcome, MetalMunkie ... fellow aussie here (VIC) ..you've found the right place for learning and sharing. :) You'll find its a very friendly bunch of people here who have a lot of information and wisdom to share... and will happily do so. I recommend that you pop over to the Collaborative Research Section and check out the "Trying to improve acacia info" thread.. most of what you need to know regarding acacia is in there... we encourage a sensible and sustainable approach to harvesting acacia here as there have been issues in the past of wildharvesters doing a lot of damage to trees so i'd encourage you to read up about phyllode/stem/branch extraction.

here's the link Trying to improve Acacia information - Collaborative Research Project - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

floribunda is a good place to start. you wanna find the right genetic variant. narrow papery leaves and pure white flower rods are a good reference for the active species it seems. More work needs to be done with this species though.. or at least more info released by those who do. Black wattle (acacia mearnsii) seems like a good potential candidate.. there have been positive findings, although also negative ones too. I would reccomend if attempting extraction on any tree, to identify it when it is in flower, and then extract when its no longer flowering.. it can be easy to confuse acacia mearnsii with acacia dealbata (silver wattle)
Thank you Acacian :). I will take your advice and check out both suggestions.
Plus i do not want to be damaging any trees in anyway. Also if its not to much trouble posting a picture of the Floribunda at it's most active period would be much appreciated.:)

thank you again. :)
I haven't worked with an active strain of floribunda yet but I have tested a lot of the commercial varieties around melbourne with no success. this one which I recently photographed and plan on testing very soon has all the characteristic your looking for and i strongly suspect it is active... the pic is during flowering.. but basically whenever its not flowering is preferable. summer is reccomended.. so around now :)

Acacia photo gallery - The Ethnobotanical Garden - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus notice the very white flowers as opposed to the creamier yellow flowers you see in most commercial varieties around melbourne
WELCOME MetalMunkie , i feel your words whole of my soul and felicitate on ingenious start in Nexus!
And here is that strangely, my software translator has translated into Russian language your text absolutely it is correct, without usual for it stylistic difficulties.
Can be this since you think on Serbian?... :d Wish good luck for you!
Acacian thank you for the link and i will be definitely keeping an eye out for them since it is summer :)

Lost travellier i am glad my words touch your soul :) glad to be here. Not sure what you mean by "since you think on Serbian?" and i wish good luck on you too.
Hello MetalMunkie,

Welcome to the Nexus. Yours was a very enjoyable Introduction Essay - thank you for submitting that.

It sounds like your life has been quite a journey thus far, both in terms of geography and in consciousness travels. I believe there is an acacia identification thread here in addition to the ones already listed in the replies here. This is a revolutionary time at Nexus where new plants and new extractions are being used. Many Nexians are beginning long term plans to grow entheogenic plants from seeds, etc.

Please take a good look around - there's a HUGE amount to see here. From the invaluable links at the top of the forum to all the subfora. You are limited in where you can post as a New Member but just by logging on you can now view the entire contents of the forum.

Again, a warm welcome to you.
Hello Pandora,

I am glad that you have enjoyed my Introduction Essay, thank you for your kind words. It has definitely been a journey thus far, but I can not wait for what's to come. I have been and will continue to read-research all the threads in the topic of my interest and ones you have suggested. The Nexus has been a big help, much love and appreciation for what you guys have done here and out there. :)

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