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Hello Nexus, intro essay and unusually high harmala yields

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexus! I have been a daily lurker of these forums for about a year now and wanna thank this community for sharing so much of your time and information with the world. I am able to learn something valuable every time I visit this place. I didn't start this topic with the intention of writing an essay but what-the-hell.

I would like full membership to the Nexus because I believe I can positively contribute to discussions, queries and experiences. This will, in turn, help me learn even more than I already do here! I love learning and I believe psychedelics can have legitimate medical uses, which is the type of research I want to do as far as my life and career are concerned. I have a B.S. in neuroscience and plan to pursue a doctorate. I realize that, in order for research in this area to be done properly and successfully, we need as much information as possible. This site is the embodiment of that knowledge, especially as it pertains to one of the most elusive and, in my opinion, important tools, DMT.

(not sure what the deal is with SWIM around here? is it necessary? a precaution? Until then, just in case...)

SWIM has extensive experience using psychedelics particularly mushrooms, mescaline cacti, DMT, various other synthetic phens & tryps. He has used them as tools for over 5 years now and his life is better because of it; DMT changed his life and he understands the respect these chemicals deserve. SWIM also has experience with A/B extractions, mainly mimosa, trichocereus, syrian rue. Which brings me to the end of my essay and the beginning of why I originally started this topic.

There is a topic in the Harmalas forum which talks about a tek which achieved a 17% yield from syrian rue seeds. I haven't looked at the tek (pdf's give my computer digital arthritis), only the thread but shortly after the topic was started I did a Manske on 50g ground syrian rue seeds and wound up with 8.5g of extract! That's a yield of 17%! It isn't dirty either, it's just as potent most other Manskes I've done, if not cleaner! Here is what I did:

1.) Ground up seeds to semi-fine powder in coffee grinder
2.) Boiled in (~500ml) ph 3-4 vinegar/h2o solution 2x, filtered through t-shirt
3.) Combined the 2 washes and boiled down to ~600ml
4.) Let solution cool and filtered through cotton balls in funnel 2x until it could easily be...
5.) Filtered through coffee filter
6.) Brought solution to boil and dissolved 150g NaCl (@ 25g/100ml)
7.) Removed from heat and let cool until precipitate formed and settled
8.) Decanted and filtered

^ at this point I got 7g

9.) Let filtered solution sit in fridge for 24h & filtered again

^ another 1.5g

So, 8.5g total from 50g for a 17% yield... the only thing I can figure is I got some super seeds, anybody else have similar experiences? Ideas, explanations? Please discuss!
You don’t mention rinsing your alkaloids, so you probably have some salt in there. Both harmine and harmaline are practically insoluble in room-temperature water, so if you add your alkaloids to a couple liters of water, mix, decant, then allow the alkaloids to dry, you’d get a better idea of the actual yield.

You say the alkaloids are clean. How clean – what color? Almost white? Pale beige? Tan? Light brown?

Oh... Welcome to the forum!
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