Rising Star
Well, I was asked to write my introduction essay; so here I am! Before I begin, I have to say I really appreciate the attitude that's encouraged here at The Nexus. I have been a member of various Online, drug-related forums and have found many to be infested with cliques, arrogance, trolling and all of the other ignorant rubbish one has to put up with on the internet. The only other place I've found that comes close to the attitude here is Mycotopia. Between you and them, I have more psychedelic knowledge than I will ever need! Still, thanks for having me!
I have not tried DMT yet. I have some experience with LSD and more with mushrooms, but I am still a baby in this respect.
My mind was opened to this world when I first had the opportunity to try LSD about 3 years ago. This was an amazing experience and I soon wanted to try again. The acid I had access to was pretty weak, very expensive and was only available sometimes, so my friend and I planned to grow some mushrooms. I got my spores and about two months later I had my first mushrooms! I have gotten a lot out of growing them; it's given me a lot of knowledge and whetted my curiosity for the wacky, wonderful world of entheogens.
I will now explain my "Ethos". I have a pretty unique perspective on the world due to my upbringing. I was raised in a Christian community that became a cult. I left when I was 13 and was home-schooled for several years until I studied computers at technical college. I have been steeped in religion since I was a little kid. This has affected my outlook on life and given me an interesting foundation. That foundation was tested throughout my teenage years as I began to see the problems with organised religion and understand the manipulations and other BS that went on at the community/cult. For a long time, I dismissed all of my religious upbringing and decided it was all rubbish and should be ignored. Slowly, and through lots of hard thinking, I came to a happy medium in myself where I have found a faith that works within my frame of reality.
I would like to share my thoughts and beliefs. I need to say that I am not an "evangelical" Christian, I will not push my views on anyone or get into theological debates. I am interested in discussing my thoughts and beliefs, but I am not trying to tell anyone else that this is how they should live. My faith is personal, and while it colours the way I think and put my ideas across; please don't consider my regular references to religious things as any more than my own take on things. I am NOT preachy!
So, here goes: I believe that God is the Universe. God is infinite, omniscient and omnipresent. Has always been here and always will be. This, in my mind, equals the universe. If God is the universe, he has to also be everything within it. This means that the many psychoactive plants that exist have been put on this world for a purpose, and it's up to us to explore and learn what we can. I doubt it's coincidence that we have receptors in our brains that react so strongly to certain compounds. I can go on more about this, but I think you get my point.
Part of my beliefs is a general code of conduct. I think it can be summed up in one line: "Try not to be a dick." There's more to it than that, but that's basically it.
I think that 90% of what goes on in church today is bullshit. The original biblical definition of "witchcraft" has more to do with deceit and misdirection than with the occult. You look at a lot of the hype and pointless rituals that go on in modern churches (and I'm more talking about modern protestant denominations here, not more traditional catholic or Anglican churches) and you can see a clear link to witchcraft. So many pointless traditions and excess shackles that bind and blind a person rather than liberating their minds and their souls. It's a sad state of affairs. So many misguided people causing so much pain, and for what? A better world?
The atrocities and machinations of the Catholic church could fill pages and pages of text, but it comes down to one thing: People imposing man made traditions over a core of "real" divinity and then using them as a method of control and to gain power.
Terrence McKenna said (and I'm paraphrasing) "I am more inclined to believe a man's mysticism the more personal it is. When he tries to make it relevant to everyone is is when one becomes unstuck." I've taken this to heart. I've worked out my own faith with fear and trembling; it's up to each individual to do it for themselves.
Anyway, enough about religion. I may use religious references when I post, but please don't think that it's me trying my to shove my ideas down anyone else's throat. I'm just sharing my perspectives and point of view.
Psychedelics have changed my life. They have enabled me to condense my beliefs and remove a lot of the dross that was picked up along the way. I have an excellent foundation for my life and intimately understand my place in the universe. A lot of this is ineffable, it cannot be explained by words and my attempts to do so are very poor indeed. With that, I will stop this rambling wall of text, and hope that I've given some insight into who I am.
I have not tried DMT yet. I have some experience with LSD and more with mushrooms, but I am still a baby in this respect.
My mind was opened to this world when I first had the opportunity to try LSD about 3 years ago. This was an amazing experience and I soon wanted to try again. The acid I had access to was pretty weak, very expensive and was only available sometimes, so my friend and I planned to grow some mushrooms. I got my spores and about two months later I had my first mushrooms! I have gotten a lot out of growing them; it's given me a lot of knowledge and whetted my curiosity for the wacky, wonderful world of entheogens.
I will now explain my "Ethos". I have a pretty unique perspective on the world due to my upbringing. I was raised in a Christian community that became a cult. I left when I was 13 and was home-schooled for several years until I studied computers at technical college. I have been steeped in religion since I was a little kid. This has affected my outlook on life and given me an interesting foundation. That foundation was tested throughout my teenage years as I began to see the problems with organised religion and understand the manipulations and other BS that went on at the community/cult. For a long time, I dismissed all of my religious upbringing and decided it was all rubbish and should be ignored. Slowly, and through lots of hard thinking, I came to a happy medium in myself where I have found a faith that works within my frame of reality.
I would like to share my thoughts and beliefs. I need to say that I am not an "evangelical" Christian, I will not push my views on anyone or get into theological debates. I am interested in discussing my thoughts and beliefs, but I am not trying to tell anyone else that this is how they should live. My faith is personal, and while it colours the way I think and put my ideas across; please don't consider my regular references to religious things as any more than my own take on things. I am NOT preachy!
So, here goes: I believe that God is the Universe. God is infinite, omniscient and omnipresent. Has always been here and always will be. This, in my mind, equals the universe. If God is the universe, he has to also be everything within it. This means that the many psychoactive plants that exist have been put on this world for a purpose, and it's up to us to explore and learn what we can. I doubt it's coincidence that we have receptors in our brains that react so strongly to certain compounds. I can go on more about this, but I think you get my point.
Part of my beliefs is a general code of conduct. I think it can be summed up in one line: "Try not to be a dick." There's more to it than that, but that's basically it.
I think that 90% of what goes on in church today is bullshit. The original biblical definition of "witchcraft" has more to do with deceit and misdirection than with the occult. You look at a lot of the hype and pointless rituals that go on in modern churches (and I'm more talking about modern protestant denominations here, not more traditional catholic or Anglican churches) and you can see a clear link to witchcraft. So many pointless traditions and excess shackles that bind and blind a person rather than liberating their minds and their souls. It's a sad state of affairs. So many misguided people causing so much pain, and for what? A better world?
The atrocities and machinations of the Catholic church could fill pages and pages of text, but it comes down to one thing: People imposing man made traditions over a core of "real" divinity and then using them as a method of control and to gain power.
Terrence McKenna said (and I'm paraphrasing) "I am more inclined to believe a man's mysticism the more personal it is. When he tries to make it relevant to everyone is is when one becomes unstuck." I've taken this to heart. I've worked out my own faith with fear and trembling; it's up to each individual to do it for themselves.
Anyway, enough about religion. I may use religious references when I post, but please don't think that it's me trying my to shove my ideas down anyone else's throat. I'm just sharing my perspectives and point of view.
Psychedelics have changed my life. They have enabled me to condense my beliefs and remove a lot of the dross that was picked up along the way. I have an excellent foundation for my life and intimately understand my place in the universe. A lot of this is ineffable, it cannot be explained by words and my attempts to do so are very poor indeed. With that, I will stop this rambling wall of text, and hope that I've given some insight into who I am.