Rising Star
After exploring this website and message board for a long time I felt that now is the time for me to join. I started experimenting with psychedelics and other substances at a young age, and had my first few dmt experiences several years ago. I now realize in hindsight that I was much too immature at the time to be ready for those first few experiences and to be able to appreciate them fully. After many different phases of varying degrees of psychedelic usage/abstinence over the last several year I believe that the time is right for me to explore the dmt universe once again.
Recently I set out and started asking friends if they knew of a source but this time around I quickly realized that I would rather extract myself knowing all the harmful chemicals and mistakes that could be made in the process by an unknown source. I plan on executing a Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction as I feel like it is good for a beginner, relatively safe, and provides a good yield. I am confident in my ability to preform the task but knew that registering for this forum was a must so that I would be able to ask questions and receive guidance from this great community who has such a vast amount of knowledge and experience in the matter. I look forward to interacting with this great community and helping to add to it with my own experiences over time. Thank you for all the valuable information and providing a space for like minded individuals to come together.
Recently I set out and started asking friends if they knew of a source but this time around I quickly realized that I would rather extract myself knowing all the harmful chemicals and mistakes that could be made in the process by an unknown source. I plan on executing a Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction as I feel like it is good for a beginner, relatively safe, and provides a good yield. I am confident in my ability to preform the task but knew that registering for this forum was a must so that I would be able to ask questions and receive guidance from this great community who has such a vast amount of knowledge and experience in the matter. I look forward to interacting with this great community and helping to add to it with my own experiences over time. Thank you for all the valuable information and providing a space for like minded individuals to come together.