Well, i gave it a try this morning...And wow, but even though i didn't "breakthrough" i still had an amazing experience...
I was using this Bullet style pipe that has a metal spiral inside, the problem was not the heating of the spice, nor the holding it in (doesn't taste bad atall and very smooth indeed) it was just simply the pipe...Alot of the spice immediately melted though the screen and down the inside of the pipe, where the heat could not vapourise it...
So basicly i didn't have enough of a hit too breakthrough. The experience went like this...
I took a good long deep inhalation while holding the flame above but not actually touching the spice, held for as long as comfortable then exhaled...Imediately took another deeper hotter hit...Putting the flame down into the bowl because it had all immediately melted and ran down the inside of the pipe...That hit did the trick, Immediately after exhaling, my surroundings began too change...I felt a strong urge too lay down, which i did, then closed my eyes...
An intense array of colours, a carpet made of rainbows, a multicoloured smile that turned into a demon like creature that i pushed away, almost like dismissing negative energy...I could hear a loud vibration surrounding and getting louder like a nuclear explosion warping my exisistance...Encircling me....
I felt extremely happy, blissfull, I couldn't stop smiling..
The closed eye visuals began too fade, but the love and respect for this substance did not...It Grew and Grew...
I came back, sat upright and thought, WOW...
I would liken the pysical effects too that of a Strong hit of salvia extract...
The heavyness, but unlike salvia extract i did not panic, I lay down and knew it was right...Like i was being guided and looked after...
Hopefully soon i will sort out a suitable pipe...And go for a breakthrough dose...One which completely takes me away, dissolves all that is around me...This does not scare me...Life is a trip that we live everyday, im more scared of modern day life than i am of a substance that can help me understand it....