Hello Nexians !
At the beginning i apologize for my poor english.
I read Nexus about 2 years, extracion alkaloids from plants always interesed me
About 1 year ago, i got first mimosa (2 years old and bad kept) but to take first steps it was ok.
I did first extraction, STB.. Final product was black goo, my lung hurt when i think about smoking this, also i learned that dmt extraction is very dirty work
Next i do some extraction with q21q21 tek, finally i got fluffy white crystals, yield 50mg from 50g.
I get new fresh material and i start doing Panoramix and q21q21 teks with very good result.
One time i got very nasty contamination DMT which re-x did not help, i find here solution - A/B clear (thanks DoingKermit).
I have much pictures of extractions which i want to share with Nexians but i can't posts in DMT extractions, Please Hyperspace help me with promotion
Here is one (Panoramix) for encouragement:
At the beginning i apologize for my poor english.
I read Nexus about 2 years, extracion alkaloids from plants always interesed me
About 1 year ago, i got first mimosa (2 years old and bad kept) but to take first steps it was ok.
I did first extraction, STB.. Final product was black goo, my lung hurt when i think about smoking this, also i learned that dmt extraction is very dirty work
Next i do some extraction with q21q21 tek, finally i got fluffy white crystals, yield 50mg from 50g.
I get new fresh material and i start doing Panoramix and q21q21 teks with very good result.
One time i got very nasty contamination DMT which re-x did not help, i find here solution - A/B clear (thanks DoingKermit).
I have much pictures of extractions which i want to share with Nexians but i can't posts in DMT extractions, Please Hyperspace help me with promotion
Here is one (Panoramix) for encouragement:
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