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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've always believed that there was more to existence than this planet/dimension/universe, but I have never really thought about it in depth, because it would all be speculation. I have been a great rationalist, who put his pride in educating himself and freeing himself from ignorance. However, I've always admonished religion, at least most organized religions, until my interest perked in Ancient Alien theories which ultimately led me to various ancient religions and their teachings, ancient cultures and their writings and beliefs and then studying languages and symbolism which turned into Illuminati stuff,,,and so on and so forth. Then A late night chance watching of "DMT: The Spirit Molecule"; and "What the Bleep do We Know" followed immediately by "Interstate 60: Tales from the Road"; sparked a greater interested in me in the things beyond this reality and my interest in DMT had been sparked, or re-ignited rather.

Before this time I was experiencing with hallucinogens (essentially to 'escape reality' because i was getting so frustrated with the general ignorance around me) when I had heard of DMT and what it does. The trip that was described at the time, was too far out, scary, and dangerous sounding for me; so I gave it little credence. This was mostly because the individuals I was hearing about this drug from were not in search of some greater truth, they were just looking to get as messed up as the could. Now, I was hearing of these same experiences, but from recognized scientists. They were accrediting this drug with truly profound things. Even better yet, the brain possess all the materials to legitimately synthesis DMT -- AND it is found in pretty much all living things. Awesome. I started to come to the conclusion that DMT could be key to unlocking some truly profound 'universal' truths.

Then, while reading on Buddhism, the Book of Urantia, Discordianism, the Kabbalah; listening to David Icke and others, and with some meditation; I started having some cognizant recognizing of all of the symbols that are every where: both pronounced and subtle; large scale and small; then things started clicking and the relations everywhere are rather astounding.

How this all relates to this forum?
Honestly, I just stumbled upon it, just like everything else. However, this happened because of the above process and questions that started awakening in me. I think ayahuasca is key in 'experiencing'...something else. I found this site while looking for proper instructions on creating the traditional brazilian rainforest style brew, and I liked the idea behind it. I also plan on continuing my journey and I feel that my recent/future experiences could be of great benefit to some of the posters within the site. Additionally, I hope that if am unable to deduce certain ways myself, that I find someone within to help me.
Welcome to the Nexus!

If you haven't yet, I deeply suggest you read the health and safety section and the FAQ, there's worlds of information directly in those two sections or linked there which could be useful/interesting.

Regarding "traditional brazillian rainforest", not to nitpick but ayahuasca is not just from the brazillian amazon but also present in other countries in south america such as peru, ecuador, etc.. Also, it's hard to say what the "traditional way" is because it is dynamic, the traditions change, and since there is no written record in the amazon its next to impossible to know how it was in the past. It's very possible that the earlier uses were just of banisteriopsis caapi drank in cold infusion, without DMT admixture, which is far from how its used by many indigenous people and groups nowadays.

In any case, if you want to learn how to brew ayahuasca, check the FAQ (the part on brewing and on dosages), and this will lead you to more than enough info :)

Do you have any experience with any psychedelic?
I know that it is present elsewhere, I only say 'traditional brazillian rainforest' because I am looking for that type in particular, and brewed via pot/fire (nothing with a fridge or anything not found in the jungle...i.e traditional rainforest) and I wasn't interested in synthetic MAOIs or a version that didn't contain b caapi vines and I specifically was looking for p. viridis as my DMT additive. But i 'mistyped' anyways, because by definition, thats actually the way done in ecuador.
Can you expand why you want this particular version of ayahuasca and not others? Why only p. viridis (if chaliponga is also used "traditionally"? What is wrong with a fridge (not that Ive ever seen it used in an ayahuasca brew anyways, except when storing... ) ? Not trying to challenge you or anything but I think often people have an idealized version of shamans and indigenous cultures, and think there is some sort of consensus amongst them regarding ayahuasca rituals and preparations, and this is not true, some are very different from others so you would just have to arbitrarily chose one tradition over the other. This is of course fine to chose, just know that its not The way but just one way from one particular group (or groups) that you somehow decided to follow :)

That being said, I think a 3x3 hour aya brew with B. caapi and Psychotria viridis can be amazing and it's very cleansing/learning/beautiful/terrifying/amazing to take such brews :)

Also Im still wondering if yuo have checked the FAQ and specially if you had experience with other psychedelics.

Be well!
endlessness said:
Can you expand why you want this particular version of ayahuasca and not others? Why only p. viridis (if chaliponga is also used "traditionally"? What is wrong with a fridge (not that Ive ever seen it used in an ayahuasca brew anyways, except when storing... ) ? Not trying to challenge you or anything but I think often people have an idealized version of shamans and indigenous cultures, and think there is some sort of consensus amongst them regarding ayahuasca rituals and preparations, and this is not true, some are very different from others so you would just have to arbitrarily chose one tradition over the other. This is of course fine to chose, just know that its not The way but just one way from one particular group (or groups) that you somehow decided to follow :)

That being said, I think a 3x3 hour aya brew with B. caapi and Psychotria viridis can be amazing and it's very cleansing/learning/beautiful/terrifying/amazing to take such brews :)

Also Im still wondering if yuo have checked the FAQ and specially if you had experience with other psychedelics.

Be well!

I have experience with various types of mushrooms, acids, strains upon strains of marijuanas, mdma, and ketamine. Mostly marijuana, and formerly shrooms and LSD (shrooms as the gateway because it was organic and i knew of its positive ancient history) in search of some nice truths and introspective elements.

Having these specific requirements for my brew, i expected questions. No worries.
I believe (or am coming to believe) that the vessels in which certain things are delivered can enhance/alter the experience. For a semi-specific example: ancient egyptians (and many other cultures) used specific elements when crafting certain items for certain purposes. Holy water could only be served in solid silver pitchers. The Anhk in Gold (or burnished bronze). There are tons of examples, but it just shows that they took real care to associate certain things with others. Modern science is also now proving that certain elements/'things' can and do take on the properties in which they are stored/delivered. So, being said, it stands true that I should also believe in the fact that certain...methods of delivery would alter the outcomes.

When I was researching recipes, tons of variations of the brews ingredients and cooking methods/forms of extraction popped up. Most of the recipes I found were stove top cooking, and involved vinegar and storing in the fridge overnight. Or they involved some very acidic chemicals for DMT crystalization extraction. Further research on the brew and some of its variations led me to recognize this simple fact. Essentially, it is only a true Ayuhuasca when made with b caapi and p viridis because "the word “hoasca” as used by the União do Vegetal refers exclusively to tea prepared from B. caapi and P. viridis without any other plant."

Also, the cabrerana variation, contains DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, traces of Bufotenine, Methyltryptamine and additional traces of N-methyltetrahydro-beta-carboline. 5-MeO-DMT is said to give a different sort of 'trip' than standard DMT.

P. Viridis on the other hand is strictly DMT with only slight traces of beta-carbolines and N-methyltryptamine.

The caapi vine is also said to be the 'spiritual guide' of the drink, so without it, it is not a proper brew.

And finally, they didn't have fridges or vinegar or stoves when they started with this brew. I have no problem cooking it over a fire for as long as it takes, so why would I start with modern methods (the modern way has a tendency to over simplify and not recognize what we could be destroying by cold, or modifying by using improper firing methods or delivery methods...or it could not matter in the slightest).

This doesn't mean I am not open to other types. But I have never a brew like this in my search for enlightenment. So I am looking for this specific version, and I will progress from there.
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