I just signed up and I've been really interested in DMT lately, and I thought this would be a good place to get information. A little about me: I'm a musician, a skater, a yogi, a mad man, a psychonaut. I have a lot of experience with drugs, mostly psychedelics, and I really want to expand my knowledge about them. I'm pretty into the whole psychedelia scene; I like reading books about it like The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The Psychedelic Experience, The Doors of Perception, The Psychedelic Explorers Guide, and other books. I have a very bitter-sweet relationship with LSD. It's one of my favorite things ever, but it made me go crazy
I love everything about it. I just used it to help me get over all the issues I had, I've been bipolar since 6th grade, but I've never been a "normal" kid and I was never on meds because I didn't realize what was happening to me wasn't normal. Although LSD helped, it fucked me over, but that's only because I've dosed hundreds of hits in about 2 years... and I'm only 18 :roll: Anyway, I decided to stop all drugs until I am ready for them. I wish to learn a lot about DMT and it's mysterious ways. This seems like a nice and friendly community, and I can't wait to discuss psychedelics with you all. Peace and love, LSDuck.