Rising Star
Hello! I have been looking around the forums for some time now, and just a few weeks ago performed my first extraction. The amount of information available here on the forums and on the Nexus Wiki is unbelievable! Thank you all for building this wonderful community! This is my first time ever joining an online forum and I couldn’t think of a better one. I hope one day that I will have valuable experiences and information to share as well, but for now there is too much to learn! Only the past couple years have I have been exploring psychedelics, but I feel that I have gained so much in that short time. I have had experiences on psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, a binge with “Molly” (not too proud of this, but without regret), a low-dose cactus trip, and DMT. I was always very interested in DMT, it amazed me the reports I would read and the fact it was all over this planet told me it had to be something big! It was not until a friend gave me a little bit of DMT powder (17mg to be exact) that I understood I know NOTHING! All my subsequent psychedelic experiences resulted in me at least thinking of DMT at some point during the trip. This grew and grew, and DMT weighed on my heart, until finally I knew I had to take action and do it for myself. Thank you all, this would have been possible without you. As I was very slowly descending (with the help of Syrian Rue tea) from my last changa experience, I sent out my love and gratitude to the Nexus as a whole, and all the individuals that encompass it. I hope it was well received