Hi, sorry for the very lomg time before replying i work on a ship an had no inet connection.
I'm 36 year old working as captain on a tanker barge.
I have bin using psychedelics on and of sins I was 14, I started whit mushrooms, i lernd how to find them from a experienced psychnoute at that time.
Later at 20 I used some LSD, MDA and ADMA.
At age 30 I started a serious drug collection having tried LSA, Yopo, Salvia, Kanna, Katrom, White Lily, and different kind of mushrooms and truffles.
All of this in low dose only had mild hallucinations on Yoppo.
About my view on life, i became a sanyassin of Osho (Bhagwan) at the age of 12 whit no sanyassing family, in a western country. ( VERY liberal parents) and at the age of 14 I read most of carlos castaneda's books multiple times and tried to use the book Journey to Ixtlan as a way of life.
Today my view on life is that there in no truth or reality but the one you believe in and than its real, if that makes sense.
About 10 years ago I read Terence McKenna's first DMT trip story and felt it was something I wanted to experience myself and started collecting all the things I needed to extract it.
After a failed Phalaris extraction I let the DMT idee be and did some personal growth courses and experiences in the next 5 years and than got some mimosa hostilis root bark. But before I got to extract it I got in a depression and again had to let the DMT go.
Some months back I felt it was right to do the extraction and it worked and inhaled it the night before making my first post.
I came here to get some feedback on the trip from more experienced people here.