stick around, read around the forum, as well as the FAQ, and feel free to ask any questions you still have in mind.
We at the nexus are against commercializing this incredible substance, and even though at first an extraction might seem complicated, if you keep researching, soon enough you'll get a pretty good idea on the whole process and be able to attempt it yourself if you want/can.
Noman's tek seems to be one of the most common teks used for beginners.. Once you get the hang of things, you might want to attempt the more "natural" extractions using limonene.
Another thing, as already mentioned, is that you can consume a simple infusion made with certain dmt-containing plant (usually either psychotria viridis or mimosa hostilis), and a MAOI containing plant (usually banisteriopsis caapi or syrian rue). If you dont know what MAOI is, just search a bit and you'll soon find out (and as I said you can ask any questions you'd like).. Smoking it pure or ingesting this mixture orally have different effects in terms of intensity and duration.. Some people preffer one, others preffer the other, and some people like them both in their own place. Read a bit more to see what sounds better for you.
Remember to take the necessary precautions, whether it is in the extraction due to the chemicals used, or due to the law, or when ingesting, making sure you are in a good state of mind and in a quiet comfortable nice place. Also for first time, it is recommended to have a 'sitter', in other words, someone sober that can watch over you to make sure everything is alright. Also the dosage for first times should be very low, and work your way up slowly as you get the hang of things