simply enjoy simplicity
Hello to all of the nexians. I'm a new member here so let me introduce myself a little bit...
I'm 24 y.o. and I started my journey with serious entheogens at the age of 19 with a small but really enlightening dose of San Pedro cactus...
Since then I have used salvia divinorum, MDMA, LSD, LSA, Changa, Amanita Muscaria and Harmine/Harmaline xtracts enough times to have the amount of experience I need in this age, concerning the "spiritual" world.
My interest in spirituality is only "kicked"/"renewed"/"enlightened" by entheogenic, experiences because, I think, that is all a psychedelic can do (and it's a LOT!!) in the path of somebody's personal growth.
Integrating experiences in yourlife by rebuilding the walls between the everyday-social conciousness and the depths of your mind previously explored, meditation, reading books, making love, art, other types of opening the mind to the deeper levels of conciousness, is a hell of a hard job wich itself can be more revealing than the experience itself. All methods together with or without the entheogenic agents may build a healthy attitude towards spiritual and personal growth. So, I am really serious about it. (yet not so serious about almost anything!!
So I usually leave a decent amount of time between two experiences (especially with classic psychedelics) to integrate what i' ve learned.
My journey with dmt has been very interesting until now, although i havent't had a breakthrough experience. Sometimes was like a personal hell, sometimes like getting the rollercoaster of the Infinite Universal Love! However, I realize that this is only the beggining of my journey and the experience is going to deepen a lot as I continue searching my soul.
It's a nice thing there is a forum like this where I can speak with serious and "enlighetened" HUMAN BEINGS who also consider themselves as psychonauts.
Everybody knows that this is very difficult in the real world. So make feel part of the group and that I'm not the only "Crazy" in this planet ("crazy", both for every single drug user i know, as well as for everyone afraid of any illegal substances)!
so.... nice to see you!!
I'm 24 y.o. and I started my journey with serious entheogens at the age of 19 with a small but really enlightening dose of San Pedro cactus...
Since then I have used salvia divinorum, MDMA, LSD, LSA, Changa, Amanita Muscaria and Harmine/Harmaline xtracts enough times to have the amount of experience I need in this age, concerning the "spiritual" world.
My interest in spirituality is only "kicked"/"renewed"/"enlightened" by entheogenic, experiences because, I think, that is all a psychedelic can do (and it's a LOT!!) in the path of somebody's personal growth.
Integrating experiences in yourlife by rebuilding the walls between the everyday-social conciousness and the depths of your mind previously explored, meditation, reading books, making love, art, other types of opening the mind to the deeper levels of conciousness, is a hell of a hard job wich itself can be more revealing than the experience itself. All methods together with or without the entheogenic agents may build a healthy attitude towards spiritual and personal growth. So, I am really serious about it. (yet not so serious about almost anything!!
So I usually leave a decent amount of time between two experiences (especially with classic psychedelics) to integrate what i' ve learned.
My journey with dmt has been very interesting until now, although i havent't had a breakthrough experience. Sometimes was like a personal hell, sometimes like getting the rollercoaster of the Infinite Universal Love! However, I realize that this is only the beggining of my journey and the experience is going to deepen a lot as I continue searching my soul.
It's a nice thing there is a forum like this where I can speak with serious and "enlighetened" HUMAN BEINGS who also consider themselves as psychonauts.
Everybody knows that this is very difficult in the real world. So make feel part of the group and that I'm not the only "Crazy" in this planet ("crazy", both for every single drug user i know, as well as for everyone afraid of any illegal substances)!
so.... nice to see you!!