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Help about solvent needed!

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Rising Star
hello everyone

Its my first time writing here:lol: !Ive been reading a lot and i learned a lot!"Solvent":oops: , i know its been asked like a million times but i really need your help here!I wanted to try cybs salt tek.Got the lye,dishwasher salt(non iodized salt is not known in my country),alcohol vinegar(6%),but no solvent.
Naphtha is not uncommon here but it evaporates slowly,i live in albania(europe).I found zippo liquid but the evaporation test leaves a stain on the sides of the glass.However i found another solvent which contains : dichloromethane,tetrahydrofuran,toluene,methanol,xylene and aromatic hydrocarbons.It evaporates fast and clean.Now the question is will this work with cybs salt tek?:?
Any comment would be helpful:thumb_up:
I don't know what are the steps for Cyb's salt tek but I think you could put your naphtha in a freezer for 18-24 hours instead of evaping it. Then pour it back in a solution for the next pull and put the jar with crystals upside down in a fridge or dry it with a cold fan right after removing naphtha.
dragoi90 said:
thank you for the comment but i was refering to which of the above solvent is safe to use with cybs salt tek!
I understood your post as you want a replacement for naphtha because it evaps slowly. So I suggested freezing it instead of evaporating.
I would think just sticking with the naptha would be your best bet assuming it's clean. A pyrex dish of naptha with a fan on it takes no time at all to evap from what I've read, and you could always evap half and then freeze like suggested. You said the zippo fluid leaves residues, so that's out. I'm not sure what that third one is but the words "aromatic hydrocarbons" takes it off the list of possible options if I'm remembering correctly what I've read around. There's a solid chance I'm wrong about that but I'm pretty sure those words mean you will either get some sort of residue or it will dirty up your pulls. I can't remember 100% right off hand.
I use Bestine for "re-x". Not sure if that is easier for you to get. I know it works, but it's more expensive and not as "good of a non-polar solvent" as naptha would be for a first set of pulls.
pitubo said:
melotikaci said:
dragoi90 said:
What about white spirit?Will it work with freeze precipitation?
nope. you need a non-polar solvent.
I don't understand why you hasitate about using naphtha
White spirit is naphtha. It can be used for freeze precipitation.
oops, I missed "white".
"Solvents with a dielectric constant of less than 15 are generally considered to be nonpolar". dielectric constant of white spirit is 2, so it's quite non-polar I guess. (xylene has 2.3).

but, afaik, there are several types of white spirit and only one of it is classified as naphtha, so I'm not sure about it.
I dont hesitate but naphtha somehow is called whitespirit in my country!Tomorrow i will resume searching for a whitespirit with fast evaporation(as i said the naphtha here evaporates slowly)!If my search is fruitless i will test anyway with the whitespirit i have.
Regarding that mixed solvent mentioned ^^^^up there: the tetrahydrofuran and methanol are water miscible and could screw things up a bit. If you were feeling experimentally inclined it might be possible to wash them out with water and then absorb the water from the solvent using a drying agent. What purpose is that mixed solvent sold for? I'd be wary that it's re-packaged industrial waste!

White spirit will work for freeze precipitation if it is low in aromatics.

That has got to be one of the most useless MSDS's I've ever seen! Although I see it never claimed to be one. As a technical file it's also virtually useless.

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