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Help identifying please!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
This plant is from Northern Georgia, near Athens. This is the closest I've found to the plants I've used when I lived in North Carolina, and frankly I'm lost as to what species it is, and if it contains trypts. Any help would be soooo appreciated.

Album (4 photos inside)

Example of plant that needs identifying.

Thanks! I'll keep looking around on these forums and elsewhere.
I hate to bump an ancient thread, but that looks like Winged Sumac. I don't know of anything else that would look super similar to it.
Hello everyone.
This is my first post in this forum.Please excuse me for using an old thread but as a new member who is quite uneducated in botanics (and forum policies) do not know where to post this help request.

The thing is:
A few years ago I became interested in psychoactive plants.Recently I moved to Mexico;Yucatan Pen. and also happened to find Christian Ratsch's EoPAP in my reach which I am now absorbed in.After some research,walking in the jungle (and also snooping in this forum) I got to understand that I am literally in the shamanic heaven. :d Anyways.
I noticed that I am surrounded by acacias,but couldn't identify any particular kind except Cornigera but if I understand correctly it's only RUMORED to contain alkaloids,with no proven nn/5-Meo DMT...

I took an old camera and took a short stroll.If anyone knows ANY psychoactive properties of the following random plants I would really apreciate some info.The second and third plants have been artificially planted...Also I am open to any suggestions what plants to look for in the Mayan Jungle (I know that I may find the reputed M.Tenuiflora as here it is a famous remedy for skin problems distributed by the name of Tepzcohuite,but it's not flowering time yet and I don't have the means to identify it).




Thank you and sorry if this is not the right place. :)
Mirrorlake when you consider it almost every plant is psychoactive to some degree of potency. The variants that matter are dosage for effect, combination of substances and most importantly neurotoxicity. Sorry for beating around the bush(ha plants, bush, lol) but the plants you have posted are generally not on the level of nexian expertise. Unfortunately there are probably more types of plants on earth than neurons in a brain. Chances of picking a plant and having a small community know it inside out is unlikely considering we're still only just learning things about some of the more researched plants like acacia, to which those images are not.
Sorry . Can't help maybe you'll get lucky.
I found it-it's Caesalpinia lutea.
I know that plants are infinite and just "throwing it out here" and waiting for info is...well...lazy to say the least.I had some serious indications that the plant contains various alkaloids and is INDEED psychoactive but had no idea if it was already known and used by fellow closet shamans.Hence-decided to give it a try.
I was also prepared to settle for ANY answer but I saw none. (I mean "No,I've never seen it." is better than no answer at all) :d
Also found out that most of the local mayans (haven't talked to one of the shamans yet) do not know the common spanish slang words for morning glory,datura,mimosa ten. (here called Tezcohuite) et.c.
Thanks for the reply though. :)
It actually contains something psychoactive.Made an extraction from about 1/2 coocking pot of flowers (wanted to go for roots but didn't) using STB and the end result from 1 pull of 360 ml naphta resulted in brighter colours and a mild body high.The end product was a bright-yellow goo which smelled of flowers and like DMT aswell.
Just wanted to report. :p
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