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Help needed - spider mite invasion!


Rising Star
My collection of Salvias was doing very well until recently, when they came under attack by spider mites...Last year I tried a biological control method (some other kind of mite that eats spider mites) but I was wondering if anyone has a recipe for an organic anti-spider mite spray?
Ah cheers! :)

Have you used it yourself? I'm a bit worried that my living room might forever reek of garlic if I give this a go...
I have not used it but I've heard good results from friends who have.

If the garlic smell is too strong I'd imagine you could give it a rinse with fresh water. I'd just make sure to keep the mix on the plant for at least a day, then rinse the next day and spray again the day after. Just keep alternating and it should take care of those lil bastards pretty quick. :p
i'll plug my favorite local business

lots of options for organic mite control

if you go with neem, or other oil be sure to spray in the evening when temps are 60-80*
(always good advice for spraying imo)
I am not experienced with this flower, but it looks very pretty.

Tanacetum cinerariifolium
Tanacetum coccineum

They contain Pyrethrum which is used to make pesticides. Although the flower itself is known to be used in what the article mentions as "companion gardening." I suggest this flower for a future remedy unless you can get it transplanted into your yard.
Thanks everybody for the suggestions :)

Think I'm going to try a combination of gentle vacuuming the leaves and a diluted Neem oil spray and see how that goes...
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