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HELP!! Peyote gnawed on by cat!

Migrated topic.


so i was given this peyote to try and nurse it back to help..the poor thing has been brutalized by a cat wanting to trip out...it didnt succeed..but it did maim this poor peyote...

does anybody have any ideas on what i could do to guarantee its survival?


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I would say lots of sunshine will make it better. Give water, then let the soil dry completely before giving water again.

Also don't pour water directly on it. When you give it water make sure not to get the part above the ground wet. Cacti are very though so I think this one will survive.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
ahhahaha no you cant touche...

and thanks trav..i will give it lots of light..and bits of water around the edge...the root system is about an inch and a half deep..i hope it pulls through...then i will try to graft it onto one of my cacti
so i did some surgery on the little guy..and after trying to cut off the real squishy parts..i found rot...and it went alllll the way down into the root system :(:(:(

by by mr yote

Sorry my friend. You'll probably get a lot of pups coming from the damaged area.
OMG Jorkest!

:cry: Wow! I thought I had issues with cats and plants! I am so sorry man! This is frakking tragic!

And nothing to be done, eh? I have no doubt kitty's intentions were good.

Take heart. Ultimately, in the very long run, you, the kitty and the peyote should be reunited and All will be well in Oneness! :)

Peace & Love,
Cats :? , i know, i have 4 of them, they sure have a thing with plants, they ruined a lot of my plants already.
It's a love/hate relationship, they can be so cute, but they can also be so damn annoying.

I guess your cat knows what's good for her huh?:p

I hope your cactus will restore in full health man, i once had some mushrooms growing in a plastic bag, one of my four evil creatures managed to kill them by throwing the substrate off the closet on the ground with contamination as result, best is to keep them away from your sacraments as far as possible, cause sooner or later they will find a way to destroy it.
Kartikay said:
This is just another reason why dogs are better than cats :p
HA! Dumb doggies just don't realize there are goodies in our botanical friends. Curiosity killed the cat cuz he gnawed on too many peyote buttons and wandered out into the world :lol: Never lost anything to cats or dogs, just my first batch of morning glories to killer bunnies :evil:

Hey Jorkest - If you are still working on trying to nurse the little guy back to health, here is something you might try. This theory is based on the fact that cacti (like many dessert plants) go into a dormant state, and self preserve themselves if there is a freak change in weather.

If you actually have a cool area you can keep it in, where it doesn't get much sun, and don't give it water it may go into this dormant state, and it's wounds will heal, only leaving behind a scar. It will look like it's drying up and dying, but it's really just going into "hibernation". Watch it for a week or two, and when it looks like it's wounds are scaring over, then do what Trav said above. It should spring back to life and get healthy again. This has worked for me on other cacti of mine. Never tried with the great peyote however. I think peyote is one of the more delicate cacti.

If there is a cactus expert that wants to tell me I'm full of it, I wont be offended 😉 I'm just speaking from experience, and not expertise.

Good luck man! Peace,
nah guys..its a no god..the thing was rotten deep into its roots...the whole thing was puss on the inside :(

and it hadnt been my cacti for more than a few days...another friends cat attacked it..not mine..i was just hoping to save it..but no..
I don't get it. Cats have some sort of stigma towards plants. My little kitten scratched one of my buttons. I saw her do it. She pawed at it, kinda like she would if she was seeing if something was "dead or alive." She pawed at it kind curiously, like it was a dead mouse. There are four "claw" marks, deep razor like cuts. Why!?! I asked her. Why? The button has gotten far over it and healed up nicely, just scarred.

I always find my kitten chewing leaves of various houseplants; she just loves catnip. I try to give her the catnip so she'll stay away from my plants and dried herbs. It doesn't work very well; I always find her head in a big jar of pot leaves, munching away. No joke, fresh or dry she loves pot leaves.
Cats by nature eat lots of grass and other greens in the wild. It helps them digest hairballs and offers other health benefits.

If you ever let your cats outside you will notice that they head straight to the grass and start eating.

Even if they have never been outside before, it's instinct. I have had these problems before and found a solution to the problem that all cat lovers should

take notice to.


Grow some rye grass or better yet some catnip. Leave it in a large flat container on the ground GROWING IN SOIL. This solved my problem forever!

You and your cat will be happy. He never ate my expensive plants again and seemed to appreciate the gesture.

Hope this helps.
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